Holiday Gift Guide – 2024: Where We Are To Date!

Thursday, November 28th, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving! Whether you are getting ready to watch the Macy’s Parade, or maybe putting together your Black Friday/Cyber Monday gift buying guide, here is a list of the guides to where we are at to date to ease your shopping questions. The categories: *Get A Grip *The Tools You Need Media Storage & Drives […]

Platypod Extreme – The Mother of em all!

Sunday, May 8th, 2022

When there is a need, there is a solution. Like most of us, I’m always looking for a simpler and lightweight solution to securing my camera to get that perfect angle for a shot. It could be for a closeup of a flower, or just attaching a camera where there is no place for a […]

The Day The Computer Died…

Monday, October 11th, 2021

It served me well. For over 10 years my Mac Pro tower was my daily companion. Photo editing, video editing, and those oh so long hours looking at social posts I didn’t need in my life. With 2 screens and the ability to plug in a myriad of external drives, it was an upgradable powerhouse. […]

Holiday Gift Guide 2018 – Part 4: The Books

Wednesday, November 21st, 2018

There are photo books that should be in everyone’s library, and there are photo books that may just pique the interest of the giftee. At the end of this post is a book that you may never buy, but may be fascinated with the design. First up- If you, or a photographer you know, is […]

Latest News from Adobe MAX – My Favorite New Addition to The Creative Suite

Monday, October 15th, 2018

Do you post to social media much? Yeah, I know the answer. On the daily. Probably multiple times in a day. Adobe has now introduced one of the best, time saving tools you can get! With a cross platform, intuitive editing tool, you just got some extra sleep, or the time to create more content. […]

Your Next Purchase For Mobile FilmMaking

Thursday, October 4th, 2018

The quality of smartphone video is steadily increasing. 4K? You bet. Log files? ok-dokey. The tools you now have at your disposal allow you to enter into the immediacy of social media, as well as longer form storytelling. But you need some mobile specific filmmaking tools, along with a great story and direction, to fully […]

Think Tank Keeps You Dry In the Nick of Time!

Friday, September 21st, 2018

These just came out, and have to pass it on. Think Tank Photo Emergency Rain Covers! If you have ever got caught shooting the rain, this has GOT to be in your bag. When I moved to the East coast from California, I got a whole new appreciation for how long I had to keep […]

Peak Design – Getting Ready for The Weekend

Sunday, September 16th, 2018

Bags, Bags, Bags! Every photographer has multiples, and each one serves a purpose, and honestly, specific to a venue you may be shooting in. Recently, Peak Design, who has been building and designing some quality bags, straps and camera holders, has moved into the world of luggage. Not your typical luggage, but designed with a […]

HitCase – Under the Sea with Your Phone

Sunday, September 16th, 2018

HitCase has come up with a great solution to the underwater smartphone! You know, I waited until the new iPhones were announced 9/12, to see what the new features were. And the sizes! Apple has added 2 meters deep, and 30 min underwater, as a new feature of the latest Phones, which is pretty darn […]

Canon Reveals Their Mirrorless System!

Wednesday, September 5th, 2018

With about a week between them, Canon and Nikon are back in the race. Or has Sony already won? It’s Canon’s turn now with the EOS R mirrorless. So what’s different?

Nikon Z7 : Straight Outta Camera

Friday, August 24th, 2018

here are some images taken right from the card, no post work, no cropping. Yes, converted to jpg for posting. Please Note: all images were captured on a pre-production model. Did not have much time to learn and customize the camera, so these are pretty raw. This first one has the top people of Nikon […]

Nikon Mirrorless – They’re Real, And They’re Spectacular!

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018

It’s true. After a loong time of teasing, Nikon has entered the mirrorless market with not one, but 2 models. Full Frame! 45.7 MP and 24.5 MP (above photos are all Z7 model) Before getting into some of the specs, let’s talk about some of the Nikon legacy that you need to know with these […]

Nikon Enters The Full Frame Mirrorless World! Soon…..

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

So the rumors are true! Nikon has listened to the consumer and have a full frame mirrorless camera in development, along with a series of specially fitted lenses. What’s that you say? When, and how much? good questions. no answers. One thing that was in the press announcment was the fact that they are also […]

Magnum Square Print Sale: FREEDOM!

Monday, June 4th, 2018

USA. Baltimore, MD. October 31, 1964. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. being greeted on his return to the US after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Leonard Freed USA. Baltimore, MD. October 31, 1964. You have 4 days left to pick up some of the finest photography by the luminaries of the Magnum Photo world. OK, […]

Holiday Gift Guide 2017: Part 2 – Camera Bags

Sunday, December 10th, 2017

Oh, sure, we all have them, and most of us have multiples. Do you need another? Probably. So what was new this year?Plenty. So here are some of the faves from Peak Design, ThinkTank, SKB, Tenba, and BlackRapid (check out BR special 20% discount code below!) Peak Design has been coming on strong with 2 […]

Holiday Gift Guide 2017: Part 1-The Books

Saturday, November 25th, 2017

There is nothing more satisfying than sitting down with a book of great photographs. The stories, the inspiration, the common thread for all of us here. And of course the books that help teach us what is within us to make better photographs. I had the list all ready and then today, I was startled […]

Adobe Brings the Creative Cloud Forward – Again!

Wednesday, October 18th, 2017

There are 2 main reasons I will always be loyal to Adobe Lightroom: Search engine for images Connection to Photoshop. Now, what the connection to Photoshop gives you is a constant upgrading of the tools in LightRoom. This new version is way faster on the search, and adds in tools, that honestly, felt a bit […]

Black Rapid : Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself

Sunday, August 27th, 2017

You can’t expect all of your gear to last forever. You buy a new camera every few years, and I’ll bet you have more than 2 camera bags. Can we talk about one bit of gear that gets used daily? It’s your camera strap. It’s time to check it out, and make sure it’s up […]

The New Nikon D850 – 45.7 MP of Goodness

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

Nikon, I just can’t quit you! Don’t think I ever will. This new, long awaited D850, coming in at an MSRP of about $3300, (wasn’t that what the D810 was?) clocks in with some amazing specs. OK, first some photos.

ThinkTank Photo : BackPack or Roller? YES!

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

When going to a local shoot, what do you feel is the best way to carry your gear? For speed, a backpack usually is the ticket. When the shoot is done, and you’re packed and on the move, a roller would be sweet. ThinkTank Photo has now upgraded my favorite StreetWalker BackPack, with wheels! Here’s […]

Nikon Helps You Get Ready To Shoot The Total Solar Eclipse – 8/21/17

Thursday, July 6th, 2017

This will be a once in a lifetime event! So whether you are traveling to the prime locations, or covering it from your home locale, time to get ready. Nikon, you know that company that put out a full frame Astrophotography DSLR, has produced 2 vids to get you going. They are all about this […]

Epson FastFoto : Bulk Scan Precious Family Photos Without Sending Overseas

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

I love to scan old photos. Seriously, being able to scan negatives and slide from my archives is one of my favorite evening pastimes. Set it up, scan and store. It almost becomes a treasure hunt, especially with the negatives. One thing I was not scanning much were all of the 4×6 photos in my […]

Focus & Filter : Great Deal to Step Up Your Photography – Under $15!

Monday, June 19th, 2017

You have the new camera, and have figured out that the upgrade in your photographs is massive. How do you take the next steps? Want to crush it in the photo contests, and social media? Or maybe you just want to be the master of your photo domain? The camera manual has some good info, […]

Fathers Day – Lessons Learned

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

He left the house when I was 4. Not much time to get a sense of who the man really was. His history, his present, his dreams.Even just basic dad stuff, as it was not a good exit. When I was 18, I went to live with him to find out more. Every night, we […]

Nikon Starts the Summer Going Wet & Wide

Wednesday, May 31st, 2017

It’s official! Summertime has begun. Nikon has introduced an update to their excellent outdoor camera, newly named COOLPIX W300. It’s waterproof, shockproof, dustproof. Oh yeah, and freeze proof for your wintry excursions. 16 megapixels, and 4K UHD video. With Wi-Fi, it’s a pretty easy share to your phone, via an app, and posting all over […]

Maybe The Best Photojournalist Traveling Bag!

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

I’m definitely a problem v. solution person. Need starts the search for the right gear solution. And like many of us (all of us?) have a plethora of camera bags. the most fickle of gear options. So, when my well planned flight from an event, went awry and I couldn’t put my ThinkTank Airport International […]

The Getty And National Gallery Have Been Gifted with Incredible Photographs

Saturday, March 4th, 2017

One of my favorite photo collections in the world, and one of the best places to see photographs, The Getty in Los Angeles, just got a huge new grouping of images. Along with other notable institutions, we should all look forward to seeing this work on the walls at the Getty Center. GETTY MUSEUM AND […]

Real World Review – Tether Tools Case Relay – Long Term UNINTERRUPTED Power!

Monday, February 20th, 2017

What photo problems makes you dive down the rabbit hole of possible solutions? How many times have you late night googled a range of terms to find the right answer to a specific problem? Too many times to count, for me. One of the recent trips down the information highway was road mapped by a […]

Real World Review – Why I Depend on Lexar

Sunday, January 29th, 2017

It’s something that you don’t want to think about: Media Cards. Pop it into your camera, and shoot. Because I don’t want to think about it, I have chosen one brand to use, and stick with it. Lexar Yes, you can scan over Ebay and Amazon, and find all kinds of brands that may be […]

Real World Review : All About Remote Control

Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

There are so many way to control how you press the shutter on your camera, I had to do a deep dive into the world, and try to make some sense of it all. 3 of the units reviewed here: CamRanger, Case Air, and Pulse. The 4th, Manfrotto Digital Director, is way bigger and shown […]

Holiday Gift Guide 2016 – Part 5 : The Light Modifiers

Monday, December 5th, 2016

It’s a constant search for the Holy grail of the best light modifier. We’ll just talk about the speedlight range here. Since not a whole lot new has come on the market since last year, that should adjust your thinking. I’m sure you’ll want to try at least one of these units, and perhaps add them […]

Holiday Gift Guide Part 4: Black Friday Best Deals

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

There may be supposed “doorbusters” on Black Friday & Cyber Monday, with special pricing, but on high ticket items it’s usually last years model. What you should look for are deals on Media Cards, software, and batteries. I always stock up on that day. Of course, the majors photo dealers will all have some kind […]

Holiday Gift Guide Part 2 : So Many Bags…

Monday, November 21st, 2016

Camera bags are pretty personal, so you may want to pick one for a wish list. However, here are some good choices to look at. My top pick across the entire line is ThinkTankPhoto. Designed by working pros, this brand has everything you need, and built to last. From the Airport International, to the Street […]

Holiday Gift Guide 2016 – Part 1: Starting With The Basics

Sunday, November 20th, 2016

Whether you are looking for a right gift for a photographer, tips for your wish list for others, or just need to get some year-end upgrades, I hope the next days of the latest edition of the Gift Guide have something for you. Let’s get to it! First of all: Straps! Do you carry your […]

Peak Design Sling Bag – Is This The Mirrorless Bag Of Your Dreams?

Wednesday, October 19th, 2016

It’s like the Holy Grail: what is the perfect camera bag? Don’t want to shock you, but there is no one bag that is best for all circumstances. But you already know that. Look at all of your camera bags.I kinda feel it’ like shoes. The right bag for the right job. Peak Design is […]

Lexar HUB SSD – The Tower is Now Complete!

Monday, October 17th, 2016

One of my workflow mainstays, is the Lexar HUB. You know, the Thunderbolt cabled, modular tower, that allows you to stack up to 4 varying media card modules (SDHC™/SDXC™ UHS I and UHS-II, CompactFlash® UDMA 7, XQD™ 2.0, CFast™ and CFast 2.0, and microSDHC™/microSDXC™ UHS-I and UHS-II, plus a module for USB, so you can […]

BlackRapid Update : Lighter, Stronger, Quieter

Sunday, October 16th, 2016

The new standard in camera straps is the BlackRapid line. I’m a convert for sure, and now depend on them. The single, or double, are great tools, but my new favorite became the Yeti. Basically 2 straps coming off of one harness. I just keep working toward getting lighter. So when they announced that there […]

Hunt’s Photo : Superior Service For Your Photo Needs

Sunday, October 2nd, 2016

The newest camera in the line-up was coming out. The demand was high, so I got on a waiting list. On the day it was to start shipping, Hunt’s Photo was one step ahead, the magical box appeared at my doorstep. In hand and ready for an out of town assignment to check it out, […]

Filling Up The Phone: Now What?

Monday, September 5th, 2016

The summer memories are about to live on online, and you’ve been working your phone like crazy. Filling up the internal memory and the cloud is getting hazy. You may be, as I was, looking for a simple way to back up your phone, and transfer images/vids easily. I told you about the sweet Lexar […]

Nikon Adds A New Entry Level DSLR With Kit Lenses You Actually Want

Tuesday, August 16th, 2016

When someone is starting out on photography, it is wise for the camera manufacturer to give them all of the tools to succeed, and enjoy the ride. Yes, it’s addictive, so the first experience should be very pleasurable. The new Nikon D3400 boasts an ISO range topping out at 25,600, over 24MP sensor, and a […]

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things : Bits and Bobs

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

There are certain pieces of gear that have become a standards for shooting, and sometimes, these are pieces of kit that I never thought would work. Like BlackRapid straps. When these first came out, it seemed like a plethora of new camera straps were hitting the market. Lots of companies figured that they had the […]

Messenger Bag Roundup : Which Bag Came Up On Top?

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

After going through the 4 messenger bags, in the real world, and for a more extended time that just a load-in and see what happens, there is a lesson learned. One we all know:

Messenger Bag Roundup Part 4 : Tenba Messenger DNA 13

Monday, August 1st, 2016

Let’s have a look at the 4th and final messenger bag in the round-up. The only way to truly review these bags is to use them, and that takes time. And I use them in different circumstances, to see how the physicality works under real world conditions. This bag, the Tenba DNA 13 has a […]

Fuji X-T2 : Hands On First Look

Friday, July 29th, 2016

Foto-Care in NYC held a special event on 7/28, with the brand new Fuji X-T2. Only operational unit in NYC. I brought along an X-T1, for comparison, with a 56 1.2. There were a few of us waiting to handle the one unit, so didn’t have a ton of time. Did shoot some frames, see […]

The New ICP : Still the house that Capa built?

Wednesday, July 20th, 2016

The legacy of social consciousness through photography was a cornerstone of ICP, created by Cornell Capa in NYC. Once housed way upper East Side in a mansion, then moved to mid-town, and now, its new iteration is right on one of the most historic streets in NYC: Bowery! So, what’s different? Well, a lot, and […]

Messenger Bag Roundup Part 3 : ThinkTank Photo – CityWalker 20

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

The only way to truly figure out what camera bag works best for you is to determine the gear you need (want) to have with you, when you leave the house/office. Is it a full DSLR rig, with 2 bodies and all the glass? Or get small with a mirrorless system? Messenger bags take care […]

RIP Dave Heath – Friend, Mentor, Teacher: 1931-2016

Saturday, July 2nd, 2016

One of the most influential photographers in my life has passed. I went to a particular school,Ryerson in Toronto, just to make sure I could learn from him. We became friends, and what he taught me, is deeply ingrained in my visual thought process. Here is the obit from NYT. The following is an article […]

Adobe CC Updates: Next Level Additions!

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

If you are not using the Creative Cloud By Adobe, I just don’t know what to say. For $119 a year, you get the best tools for your photographic life, designed by a company whose base level DNA is digital imaging. Seriously. They have a new round of updates, and some things you can’t live […]

Messenger Bag Roundup Part 2 : Peak Design 13″ Messenger

Sunday, June 19th, 2016

Ok, you saw the value proposition, now let’s have a look at the higher priced spread: The Peak Design 13″ Messenger Bag Coming on the heels of a very successful launch of the 15″ messenger bag, the public asked for a smaller more manageable version, and the company listened. This is a beautiful, well made, […]

Lexar + GoPro : Video Studio In Your Hand

Monday, May 16th, 2016

Packs small, plays big. How would you like to be able to shoot, edit, and BACKUP your GoPro or drone videos with only a pocketful of tech? Take a look at this set-up: I take a real world imaging problem, and try to find the right tech solutions. In this case, it’s a matter of […]

Pelican Air – Now Up To 40% Lighter Cases

Thursday, April 21st, 2016

Photographers/videographers: Bags and Cases can be the most important part of your kit. Getting the gear to and from a gig, safely, is key. And traveling by plane can be the most crazy, as you try to get the window or early boarding surcharge so you get an overhead compartment for your carry on, main […]

Hey! Ho! Let’s Go! Morrison Hotel Gallery Salutes the Ramones!

Wednesday, April 13th, 2016

OK, all of you lucky folks in LA, do NOT miss this crazy good exhibit at Morrison Hotel Gallery! At the end of this post, we have included a video interview we did with Brad Elterman, one of the featured photographers The Ramones, 1978 ©Brad Elterman Forty years ago, a mighty band from Forest Hills, […]

Lexar + PhotoMechanic = Supercharged Workflow!

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

Waiting is the worst. Waiting for your media card to read/write after shooting off a burst of shots, or waiting for your media card to load into your computer after, so you can edit. We have 2 main issues with waiting: 1: the frustration about losing a shot because your card was still writing your […]

Olloclip Lenses Featured on The History Channel

Friday, February 26th, 2016

You know that Olloclip lenses for the iPhone, have been in my bag since they first came out. Having well made, actual glass lenses that perfectly attach to my phone, and have a sweet range of focal lengths, is a kind of a photographic security blanket for me, while shooting with my iPhone. Telephoto, wide […]

Canon Announces EOS 1DX, Mark II : Coming Soon

Monday, February 1st, 2016

Canon Announces New Flagship DSLR, The 1DX, Mark II, coming in April

Robert Frank : Books and Films, 1947-2016

Saturday, January 30th, 2016

There is an iconography of Robert Frank’s work, that is undeniable. His book, The Americans, was shot in the 1950’s by way of a Guggenheim grant, and showed us a side of America that existed, but was not the mainstream imagery. The book changed the look of photography, forever.

Kodak Super 8 FILM Camera : Same As It Ever Was?

Monday, January 11th, 2016

Sure, Star Wars: The Force Awakens was shot in Film. So was Hateful 8. And people are buying turntables again. And vinyl has been on the rise for awhile. What is going on? A return to analog is creeping back into our digital lives. But why? Has there been enough pixels and cloud stored images? […]

CES 2016 Part 3 : Just Like A Film Festival – the Majors & Indies

Sunday, January 10th, 2016

(photo album of CES 2016 here) I like to think of CES as a film festival. The majors come out with a lot of glitz & glamour, plus loud fanfare and pretty packaging dressing it all up. The press releases will tout only the best parts, just like what surrounds any large scale movie release. […]

Nikon D5 has an ISO of 3,280,000 Yep, Millions!

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

This morning @CES, Nikon announced some crazy, new, incredible products. First up a new flagship, the Nikon D5. That’s the one with the insane ISO, and the speed you need for sports. Plus a new processor for the rest of us, but so much more. Touch screen, 20+mg sensor, 153 focus points, 12FPS, up to […]

Happy New Year, and Thanks to Some Special Photo Folks

Thursday, December 31st, 2015

It always seems to come up so fast, and here we are at the end of another year. First of all, thank you for your support this year on the site, the FB page and twitter, Hope you found some of the shares interesting, or useful for you. I do want to call out some […]

Holiday Gift Guide #5 : What Did I Forget?

Sunday, December 20th, 2015

Well, I’m sure a lot of things! And if you missed any of the previous posts, here you go: The Other Bits The Lighting Modifiers The Video Gear The Media The Books There is one item though, that I’ve been using this entire holiday season. To communicate with family 3000 miles away, of course I’m […]

Holiday Gift Guide – Part 4 : The Lighting Modifiers

Sunday, November 29th, 2015

No question that every photographer is on the hunt for the holy grail of light modifiers for speed lights. these are the tools that mold and shape the raw light coming out of your flash. Usually too harsh, it can be softened, broadened, gelled, minimized, focused, bounced and otherwise made o do as you wish, […]

Canon Cameras Now Come With Free Insurance!

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

In a bold move, you can now add piece of mind to a Canon pro camera gift this season. At no additional cost! MELVILLE, NEW YORK, November 24, 2015 – Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, launched a promotion for CarePAK PLUS (which includes accidental damage protection) just in time for the […]

Holiday Gift Guide 2015 – Part 2 : The Media

Monday, November 23rd, 2015

One of the best deals that Black Friday and Cyber Monday offer is media.
You know, what you shoot to, store on, transmit from.
Everyone needs it, and whether it’s a stocking stuffer, or a night of Chanukkah gift, this item is usually one of the best deals of the season.

Scan Your memories For The Holidays : Epson V850

Wednesday, November 18th, 2015

You are probably the chronicler of your family and friends. Even if you make your living with photography, you’ve been called on to capture the moments in your personal life. Chances are the request wasn’t a burden, but a joy. Chances are your early beginnings with photography was spent taking photos of those close to […]

The Perfect Photography Gift from Aperture

Sunday, November 15th, 2015

The holidays are coming up fast. Everyone may be asking you what you would like. But you already have a lot of the things you need to make great images, right? What could you ask for? Updated software, a new tripod, that sweet lens you’ve been lusting after, a large capacity, but boring superfast media […]

The Gear That Just Works, Day After Day

Sunday, November 8th, 2015

As we head into another season of gifting, self gifting, replacing gear before year end, and buying new gear, your photographic spending dollars are precious. There will be coming reviews of gear I’ve found to be useful additions, or worth checking out, but first…. Let’s talk for a moment about the gear that just works […]

Lily Deanne : The Latest Line of Camera Bags From ThinkTank Photo

Sunday, October 25th, 2015

Pulitzer Prize Winning Photographer, Deanne Fitzmaurice knows what makes a great camera bag. As a working photographer and partner in the best camera bag company around, she knows how necessity is the mother of invention, and her company listens to you and the legions of photographers out there about their needs. And because of that […]

PhotoPlus Expo 2015 Has Left the Building….

Saturday, October 24th, 2015

Till next year, anyway. So why would you go to an event like this? You can buy your gear online from any number of places. You can hear photographers speak on youtube. You can learn incredible an amount of photo skills through way to many media formats. Not all great but, searchable. This is why: […]

PhotoPlus Expo – Last day, but It’s a BIG One!

Saturday, October 24th, 2015

Today, celebrated photographer Jimmy Chin will be the keynote speaker. Even if you don’t have G.A.S (gear acquisition syndrome) and don’t want to put your hands on some of the latest photo gear, you’ll want to be there for this. And now some snaps from the the floor: The Lume Cube, with 1,500 Lumens, and […]

PhotoPlus Expo – Working a Day Job? Come on Saturday!

Monday, October 19th, 2015

This is probably the best overall Photo Event of the year.

Epson V850 Scanner – It’s Time To Digitize!

Sunday, October 18th, 2015

The Solution: Epson V850 Scanner The Problem: As I was writing a post about one of my photo mentors, Dave Heath, I wanted to add a photo from a portrait session I did with him. It was all shot on 4×5 B&W, when I was a student and bigger was better. Maybe. I went to […]

Flashpoint Ring Li-On Review : 400 WS Ringflash PLUS LED in One

Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

There is a kind of Holy Grail of RingFlash lighting. It’s a somewhat specific, shadowless light, mainly thought of as beauty light. You are either tethered by cable to a strobe pack, like the ProFoto ring,or you are using your speedlight and a pop up, lightweight doughnut, like the Roundflash, or a hard unit like […]

Canon Gets More Social With New Compacts

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

It’s a tough world out there in photo manufacturing these days. Everyone has an iPhone, and the compact camera market has taken a huge dive. But those who know photography know that these phones, while terrific, have severe limitations. Like depth in images, and digital file quality. I’ll always carry both an iPhone with some […]

Adobe Makes the Creative Cloud Even Better – Again!

Monday, October 5th, 2015

Seems like a good time to get the iPad Pro! And get that Photoshop Fix app for free and see what you think! Modified Retouching Photoshop tools for iPad and iPhone. Access you images from the cloud (if you are on Adobe CC) At Adobe MAX 2015, the world’s leading creativity conference, Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) today […]

Dave Heath – Multitudes, Solitude : My Choice For Photo Book Of The Year!

Friday, September 25th, 2015

When I left LA, there were 95 boxes of photo books that went into storage. Since moving into a city where space is at a premium, my book purchases have taken a nose dive, and only a very select few make it through the front door. Yes, I’m talking about the printed books, not the […]

Nikon invites you to school. All over the Place!

Thursday, September 24th, 2015

Sure, we’re coming into the season of new gear. PhotoPlus Expo will reveal all of the new tools you’ll lust after. As a matter of fact, I’m working on some new gear reviews of goods that you’ll find useful to add to the bag, or post-production workflow. But… How are doing with the gear you […]

PhotoPlus Expo is Just Around the Corner…

Sunday, September 13th, 2015

Back to School, Pumpkin latte’s, Halloween candy, And Orange is all over the place! For me, the fall only means that one of the best photo gear expos is coming soon to NYC. All of us gear monkeys will be seeing, feeling, touching, buying, new kit that will make what we love even better. Sure,the […]

Fashion Week Photography with Katy Winn – What’s In Her Bag?

Friday, September 11th, 2015

One of our favorite people, Katy Winn, who is back in NY this week for fashion week, and we’d like to share again a video we made with her. Watch, listen, and learn. And some insight from that same meeting: It’s always a good lesson to see what a working photographer uses to get the […]

Dave Heath: A Dialogue With Solitude At The Howard Greenberg Gallery

Sunday, September 6th, 2015

The sturm and drang of young brooding photographer can cause one to go dark. Not the dark of violence, but exploring the inner reaches of the psyche. The deep reaches. Or so I thought. When I was looking at universities to study film photography and fine art, I knew it was all about the instructors, […]

Where Does Your Inspiration Come From?

Sunday, September 6th, 2015

As photographers, your visual acuity should be always challenged and inspired. I have always found that a visit to a gallery, museum, or going through books, magazines (yes, hard copy), and sites helps inform, and stimulate. Those who know me know that MOMA is a touchpoint for me, as the ever changing collection of art, […]

Fast Takes: What To See

Sunday, August 9th, 2015

Although we all have a bit of G.A.S. (Gear Aquisition Syndrome), and we are all over the multiple screens, there are times you should really kick back, and visit some museums and galleries to see what photography looks like on the walls. And there is some fantastic work out there right now. In LA (actually […]

Nikon Updates The Standards..Plus!

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

The main lens on my Nikon is the 24-70mm, f/ 2.8. It serves me well. A little heavy, not the VR as in some others in the bag, but solid,crisp,and a worker. Add the 70-200 2.8, a 20mm in the bag and I’m home free. Then Nikon goes and does this: 3 New lens announcements: […]

Bits and Bobs – Fast Looks At Some New Gear

Sunday, August 2nd, 2015

Lots of new products are coming out to help you shoot, share, transport, maintain, post. Here is a quick look at products from ThinkTank, LensPen, TinType, Epic. First up: My favorite roller bag, the ThinkTank Airport International, has always been a perfect, discreet, plain luggage looking way to travel with your gear. But when you […]

Real World Review: Nikon D750 – A Lot To Love In A Smaller Package

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

First of all, I’d like to say that Nikon has totally gotten the Wi-Fi right! The Nikon D750 works like crazy. After shooting for the day at the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island, I was transferring the photos to my phone while on the subway and posting to social media, immediately. Right until the subway […]

Wyatt Neumann : Last Notes From The Road

Monday, June 15th, 2015

please see note at bottom of post. First posted this in May, 2009, Wyatt Neumann, photographer, has recently become a cause célèbre for his photographs of his children posted online. A loving, devoted,father, this series has become a polarizing discussion of artist rights. But he’s a good photographer. Have a look at some of his […]

Miggo Agua : Serves and Protects With A New Take On Camera Carrying Bags

Monday, June 1st, 2015

New York City has changed the way I carry my gear. And the gear I carry. When I was in LA, carrying a heavy bag and tossing it into a car on the way to a new destination, was no big deal. In NYC, the gear is with me for the long haul. All dang […]

ThinkTank Photo Offers You A Little Freebie

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

FREE CAMERA STRAP OFFER! Our friends at Think Tank Photo just announced a special “Gear Up For Summer!” special offer. Buy one of their highly acclaimed backpacks and they’ll include a Blue Camera Strap V2.0 and Camera Support Straps V2.0 (a $44.50 value) for free! Take a load off your neck, shoulders, and back by […]

Domke Bags: Have Your Video Gear Ready To Roll

Saturday, May 9th, 2015

Domke Camera bags have quite a legacy in the world of photojournalism. Well built, designed for the working pro, with easy access to gear, while protecting the goods. They’ve now have been updated and re-introduced to a new audience.The line is called Next Generation Problem>>>>>>Solution While going to events to shoot video coverage or an […]

Real World Review – Lexar HD2 : Multi Reader Just Got Better

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015

When Lexar introduced the Workflow Tower last year, I took it to SXSW for a real world review. Basically you have a 4 slot unit, where you can interchange the card reading modules, depending on your media, and have them all download concurrently to a folder, or consecutively to Lightroom. This was a dream come […]

Lightroom 6 Beefs Up the Options : Time to Subscribe?

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015

I love Adobe because they are a company dedicated to the digital image across the board. The gold standard, the one to go to. And of course after the Apple Final Cut Pro X miss-step, Premiere is becoming a go-to pro edit system. Lightroom 5 has been working great. Last year when they moved any […]

10 years of ThinkTankPhoto : Best Camera Bags in the Biz

Sunday, April 19th, 2015

Technical Image Press Association Names Think Tank Photo’s 10th Anniversary Airport International™ LE Classic Rolling Camera Case 2015 “Best Photo Bag” Seems like only yesterday that I was walking the lanes of PhotoPlus Expo in NYC and saw a sea of black bags, with a company name I had never heard of. ThinkTank Photo. Aside […]

Lynn Goldsmith : Streets Of NYC @ Morrison Hotel Gallery

Saturday, April 18th, 2015

U2, NYC Thanksgiving Day Parade, 1982 ©Lynn Goldsmith/courtesy of Morrison Hotel Gallery One thing you have to love about New York City is the incredible amount of quality photography at any given time. While Upper East Side has AIPAD right now, Soho, and Morrison Hotel Gallery in particular, has some of the best portraits of […]

SXSW – This Is The Little Gear That Worked

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

Ludacris @ Stubbs As we enter the season of music festivals, the shooter on the scene needs to be prepared. Before we post about the holy trinity of lenses you need, the reason to use a DSLR or Mirrorless, or the best software to get your images out fast, let’s look at some of the […]

Nikon updates: D7200, Cutting the Wires, And Going Long

Sunday, March 1st, 2015

After last months announcement about the D810A intended for the Astrophotogrpahy market, the latest news is looking at a more general market. With an update to the D7100, a super zoom point and shoot, and wireless mics, Nikon is listening closely to their audience. First up is an update to the best selling D7100, surprisingly: […]

Leggo My Miggo! Camera Strap Gives Great Gear Protection

Sunday, March 1st, 2015

The mirrorless mindset has come home to me as a 2 part phenomenon: A. Less weight in the bag B. Using more primes It’s true. When I shoot an event, the Nikon Full Frame DSLR’s still come out and the trinity of lenses (14-24, 24-70,70-200) are at the ready. They travel protected in a ThinkTank […]

This is not an empty shell

Thursday, February 26th, 2015

( This article was first posted in 2008. Updated, it still feels the same.) Not like “This is not a pipe” (Ceci n’est pas une pipe) the famous painting by Rene Magritte, below Nothing like that. Well, maybe a little borrowed concept for the sake of this post. Instead it’s a bit of memory that […]

Keegan Allen: Life. Love. Beauty – A Mature Collection From A Young Man

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

Pretty Little Liars fans will recognize the name Keegan Allen, as character Toby Cavanaugh. But this isn’t Entertainment Tonight. This post is about his new book. I’ll admit that when I was first contacted about the book, my Hollywood spidey sense was tingling, as I imagined it could be a vanity press book, about a […]

Nikon D810A : Ground Control To Major Tom!

Monday, February 9th, 2015

In a very interesting release, Nikon has introduced the D810A, a now classic series, with added features for Astrophotography. Someone did the research and determined that the market was big enough to create a version of the wildly popular D810 series specifically for the folk who make images of the Space above. Honestly, if this […]

Fotodiox Vizalex ND Throttle : Great Tool for the Black Magic Pocket Cinema Cameras

Monday, February 9th, 2015

Since moving to NYC, camera size has become top of mind because many times the gear goes in a bag on my shoulder or my back. When the Black Magic Pocket Cinema camera became available for 50% less than normal, I couldn’t be happier. Sweet, small and high quality, the BMPC can go anywhere. The […]

Talk About Pictures : TV Show Gold from the 80’s

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

I brought this show to your attention over 5 years ago. You will not believe the gold that is in here. In a simple Interview format, ala Charlie Rose, Life Photographer Leigh Wiener and photo enthusiast and perennial sidekick, George Fenneman, interviewed photographers and talked about their work for 130 episodes of an Emmy Award […]

Katy Winn on Fashion Week Photography

Saturday, February 7th, 2015

It’s baaaack! Fashion Week is coming to NYC again this week, and it seemed like a right time to hear from Katy Winn, photographer who has covered the event around the world. What we love about Katy is her no BS, straightforward thoughts on the subject. And of course, if you have the time, check […]

Canon introduces EOS 5DSi & 5DS Ri: Over 50 mp in your hand!

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

The rumor mills have been creating the pre-buzz on this new camera for awhile. 50.6 dang MEGAPIXELS! The MP wars are over? I think not. Get ready to upgrade your media cards as well, as your wallets:Prices of $3,699.00 and $3,899.00 for the body only, respectively. Reasonable actually, for the product. You do have some […]

Triggertrap Mobile : Adding Controls Your Camera Never Had

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

Every time you upgrade your camera to the latest model, new features are usually found in the menu: Facial Recognition, Panoramic, simple HDR, basic Time Lapse, etc.. But there things that may never be added. Features that are dependent on things like motion and sound sensors. Things that you may have in your smartphone. Like […]

Dude! Where’s My Gear ?? Real World Reviews of Tracker Tags

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

You may to go to a shoot where you won’t have your camera bag with you at all times. Trade shows, Weddings, Events. Or in my recent experience flying back from CES, having Jet Blue insist on checking your camera bag, although it was promised to be hand checked and meeting me at the gate […]

You’ve Got The New Gear, Here’s What You Carry It In : Think Tank Photo

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

Since I was a young man, there has been a gear bag in my life. My shoulders were the main load bearers. When backpacks came onto the scene, the weight would be distributed across the back, instead of just giving you a one shoulder slant. There have been many bags come onto the scene, and […]

Popscope: This one is in the bag already

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

And why? Because in the short time that I’ve had it I’ve grabbed it over 10 times as a simple solution to a problem. How do you stabilize a phone without adding a frame with a 1/4-20? How do you grab your phone, pop open some tripod legs and set a phone up to shoot […]

Set In The Street: Justin Bettman’s Studio Is The Sidewalk

Sunday, December 21st, 2014

©Justin Bettman I recently met up with Justin Bettman, a photographer from the San Francisco Bay area in California. His photo illustrations tell a beautifully, apparently simple story with multi layers if you spend the time to delve, and you should. The execution of the tableaus depend not on photoshop, nor the limitations of a […]

Photoinduced Holiday Gift Guide 5 : Bits and Bobs

Saturday, December 13th, 2014

You know when someone is into a particular hobby, profession, or basic interest, you struggle to find a gift for them figuring that they already have it, or are about to buy it for themselves? Here’s a few items to fill out your list for the photog on your list. It may just show that […]

Photoinduced Holiday Gift Guide Part 4 : It’s All In Your Hands – Phone Photography

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

Hope you had some Black Friday luck in shopping, and are ready for Cyber Monday!Some sweet deal out there, but the current models of things are a bit elusive in those sales. Oh well. Now for the current Gift Guide: We’ve moved past the question about point and shoot cameras V smartphones. Game over. So […]

Photoinduced Holiday Gift Guide 2014 Part 1: GoPro or GoHome

Sunday, November 16th, 2014

Ahhh yes, it’s that time of year again! Gifting for others, self gifting, deals aplenty, and the economy moves forward. But how to discern the right goodie to get? We’ve been looking at a ton of good through the year and will let you know what we feel is worth your time, and wrapping expertise. […]

Padcaster : An iPad studio tool AND a DSLR Camera Cage

Sunday, November 9th, 2014

There are times when the gear you need, is cloaked in another format, used for something completely different. After purchasing the Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera recently, the small size is amazing for the media quality you can generate. There are some drawbacks: you need an external sound recorder, and the small size means you […]

ThinkTank Photo has a new Production Manager to carry your gear

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

Not a person, but a sweet new bag in a workable size. Sure they make our favorite camera bags. From the City walker, which is my daily bag, to the Airport International for every travel photo assignment, they just know how to make the best. Why? How about because pro shooters own the company and […]

Nikon D750 : All of the things you asked for!

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

My Nikon D700 has been a good friend for years. Then along came the D800: incredible video specs, 36mp, crazy great body construction. Of course, the d800 beget the D810 bringing it all to a new level. But being greedy, there were things I really wanted and had missed. The just announced Nikon D750 took […]

Sony takes a bestseller and makes more sense in 2nd gen

Sunday, September 7th, 2014

I like a good photo gadget as much as the next shooter, maybe even more. When Sony introduced the QX series of cameras meant to be attached to a smartphone, it was a huge seller. The ability to get better photos on your phone intrigued the masses. I was interested but was not ready for a […]

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Upcoming Events

  • April 23-27 th, 2025
  • Park Avenue Armory
  • WPPI
  • March 16-20, 2025
  • Rio Hotel, Las Vegas

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Current Exhibitions

  • Robert Mann Gallery
  • O. Winston Link: Hot Shot
  • Feb 7th- March 28th, 20252025
  • 508 West 26th Street
    Suite 9F
  • , New York, NY 10001
  • Tel: 212.989.7600
  • Howard Greenberg Gallery
  • Reflections – Rahim Fortune
  • March 22th-May 14 2025
  • 41 East 57th Street, Suite 801
  • New York,NY 10022
  • Tel: 212-334-0100
  • Peter Fetterman Gallery
  • The World of Sebastio Salgado
  • through March 15-June 21 2025
  • 2525 Michigan Avenue Gallery A1
  • Santa Monica, CA
  • 90404
  • Phone: 310.453.6463
  • The Metropolitan Museum
  • The New Art of American Photography: 1839-1920
  • April 11- July 20th 2025
  • 1000 Fifth Avenue
  • NYC, NY
  • 10028

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