Nokia N95 in Cannes – High Tech High Fives Low Tech
And when we say low, we mean the coolest, plastic film camera you’ve ever seen: The Holga!
The folks at Nokia contracted with the mastermind behind HolgaMods, a site dedicated to tweaking these plastic wonders into a (slightly) more sophisticated camera. The modified N95’s are here.
And what brought this meeting of the minds ? At the Cannes Lions, Nokia gave young creatives the modified N95 camera phones which could accept screw-in lenses to give a bit more versatility to this “swiss army knife” of a gadget. It took the skills of a man who works with a comparative toy, and transforms it into a new photographers tool.
I think you can see how Nokia picked this company to partner with.
You can check out some of the results by clicking here: Nokia At Cannes
But we’re hoping that Nokia will let us check out these HolgaMod units, from a strictly photographic viewpoint.
Heck, how often does a company that brings out the latest technology, work hand-in-hand with a company that specializes in low tech, and I mean ALL PLASTIC, camera modifier?
Just goes to show you…it’s still all about the image.
Make sure you read some of the stories and reviews at the HolgaMod site.