Weekly Giveaway – Sally Mann “What Remains” DVD
It’s Saturday morning in Los Angeles.
The heat is rising outside and Hillary Clinton has just quit the presidential campaign.
But inside, I’ve been moved and mesmerized by the next weekly giveaway:
[photopress:mann_at_twelve_dec_06.jpg,full,centered] © At Twelve – Sally Mann
What Remains: The Life and Work Of Sally Mann is one of the best documentaries on a contemporary artist I’ve ever seen. Produced by HBO documentary films and Zeigeist Films, this is my first look at the artist who has been honored and sometimes vilified for her photographs.
Sally Mann has created a body of work with her family and immediate environs as the subjects, and is revealed in ways that will touch the artist in everyone.
[photopress:51X_Yv_Zy6L._SS500_.jpg,thumb,alignright] You get to watch her shoot some of her seminal images with her children and continue with her more current work. She discuss her process and those closest to her, echo the
“ One of the most exquisitely intimate portraits not only of the artist’s process but also of a marriage and a life†–The New York Times
This DVD come with some extras that you truly enjoy. Including a 1994 documentary on Sally Mann, lecture excerpts, photos from her best known works, and more.
By using an 8×10 view camera depicting her life as some people use a smaller format camera, you will be blown way by the chosen moments shared with the viewer and the quality of these photographs.
We are very happy to share this with you, and send one of you a copy of this excellent documentary.
Here is how it works:
First of all you MUST be signed up for the NEWSLETTER. then on Weds. @ 9:00 AM PST check you email in box
1. open the email from [email protected] and Hit Reply
3. Delete the main body of the email (saving server space).
4. Put the “special word” – included only in the NEWSLETTER , in the subject line.
5. Add a shipping address.
6. Make sure you followed all of the above directions.
7. Hit send.
The 50th person to reply will be sent this DVD for your collection.
No secret handshake, no checking account PIN numbers to share, and entry fees.
Nope, we just give this stuff away. For Free.
You should be advised that some of the images from Ms. Mann, of her children, photographed naked, have been considered controversial by some.