Weekly Giveaway – Hooray For Hollywood ! George Hurrell in Santa Monica

Photo Studio Set recreation, using Georg Hurrells original Camera at the California Heritage Museum

The glamour of the screen actors from the beginning of the cinema in Hollywood, will be remembered not only by their immense bodies of work, but the photographs of George Hurrell.
Shooting on an 8×10 view camera, he captured all of the romance of the time in shaped shadows enveloping the stars in the smooth, soft glow of beauty.

His background in painting served his lighting techniques as the chiaroscuro patterns permeated his work.

But it was his skill working with the celebrities who left their photographic fate in his hands and were never disappointed. The movie studios called on his talent for all of their top actors, and felt his work could change their career. And it did.

From Jean Harlow in 1932

© George Hurrell
To Sherilynn Fenn in 1992

© George Hurrell

[photopress:bookstyle.jpg,thumb,alignright]The Hurrell Style became synonymous with glamour, and lucky us, he published a book in 1976 called “50 Years Of Photographing Hollywood: The Hurrell Style”. A couple of of the best things about this book were his tales of each shoot PLUS, he gave the lighting setup details for each one. Not diagrams,but descriptions. Find this one if you can. Worth the effort.

Quite honestly, you should check out all of his books. The lessons in shaping light in portraits are invaluable. Even if you can’t figure out how it was done.

For the lucky folks in Santa Monica CA., the California Heritage Museum, a classic home turned into a gallery, there is currently an exhibit of this masters work, complete with a photo studio set with his original camera in place.

Also at this exhibit is a special “red-draped” room with the nude studies he shot. You have to decided to open the curtains to see the nudes.
With an actress/model from the 30’s up to the Playboy Playmates he was commissioned to shoot in the 80’s, the visitor can safely shield those who are offended by nudity.

The docents are the nicest folks who have been schooled in the history of George Hurrell, so if you can go, take advantage of the knowledge.

[photopress:legends_of_light.jpg,full,alignright]Sitting off to a corner is a screening area with a movie titled “Legends Of Light – The Photography of George Hurrell”. you can watch the master at work, and get a full blast of the man who Hollywood loved, needed, honored.

The great store at the Museum actually has signed Hurrell prints. Looking to put a classic photographic investment on your wall?
I was shocked at the great prices for these.

What we have for you all this week, if you can’t make it to Santa Monica, is a copy of the DVD we mentioned pictured at the right.

And this is how you can get it for free:

First of all you MUST be signed up for the NEWSLETTER. then on Weds. @ 9:00 AM PST check you email in box
1. open the email from damonw@photoinduced.com and Hit Reply
3. Delete the main body of the email (saving server space).
4. Put the “special word” – included only in the NEWSLETTER , in the subject line.
5. Add a shipping address.
6. Make sure you followed all of the above directions.
7. Hit send.
The 50th person to reply will be sent this hard to find DVD,
Legends of Light – The Photography of George Hurrell

You don’t need coupons, special chi or the I Ching to win this one.
Just timing.
As a matter of fact , last weeks giveaway had entries from all over the world before the number was hit within 45 min. All depends on the item.

The exhibit runs through June 29, 2008
The California Heritage Museum
2612 Main Street
Santa Monica, California 90405
Phone: (310) 392-8537


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