Weekly Giveaway – Signed Book Of Photographs
I told that we picked something up for at the exhibit last night. Now, it’s Martin Shoellers book of celebrity photographs, called Close Up ,which is pretty cool in itself, as the Female Bodybuilders has yet to be published in book form.
But check these out:
[photopress:ChristopherWalken_1.jpg,full,centered]© Martin Schoeller – Christopher Walken
[photopress:MS_Blanchett_Cate_2006.jpg,full,centered] © Martin Shoeller – Cate Blanchett
This photographer has been jumping up fast in the art world as well as assignment world. Formerly an assistant for Annie Leibowitz, he has fashioned a niche in both.
[photopress:MS_Clooney_George_2007.jpg,full,centered] © Martin Shoeller – George Clooney
[photopress:MS_DeNiro_Robert_2006.jpg,full,centered] © Martin Shoeller – Robert DeNiro
What we particularly love about this book is that it is pure. One page per image. And each one fills the page. The print quality is outstanding. And he signed it.
This is how you can get one for free:
1. Make sure you are signed up for the NEWSLETTER, either here on on the HOME page right hand column. Only those signed up are eligible.
2. check your email inbox on Weds. @ 9:00 AM PST
3. open the email from [email protected] and Hit Reply
4. Delete the main body of the email (saving server space).
5. Put the “special word” – included in the NEWSLETTER only, in the subject line.
6. Add a shipping address.
7. Hit send.
The 45th person to reply will be sent
the this signed book of photographs
No phrases to complete, no lie detectors to get hooked up to, no briefcases to open.