Weekly Giveaway – A Little Fun in Your Camera Bag
[photopress:06.jpg,full,centered] A few weeks ago we told you about this little goodie that was just plain fun. The XShot is a great idea that puts you into your point and shoot shots. ( remember , this will support the weight of a point and shot, but not a DSLR)
I’ve had a bunch of family around these days and this is a blast. Camera-on-a-stick as one person called it; packs small ,plays big.
And now the good folks at XShot have sent us one of these, to give to one of you. And we’ll be adding some other goodies to the package which will be revealed in the NEWSLETTER.
Oh and check this video for a pretty cool effect. Just 30 sec.
Reminded us of the shot from MEAN STREETS with Harvey Keitel in the bar, getting wasted.
Yes , that was mastery from Martin Scorcese, but you’ll get the idea of the shot.
And it’s Friday. You should have a little video at least.
Now, one of the cool things we get here on the site is that manufacturers know that you will get great use out of the goodies in the weekly giveaway. Sometimes we supply, sometimes they supply. But you are always the winner.
We’ve lined up some amazing things coming up in the next weeks, so keep watching this space.
Today we shot some new video for you, and are busy editing tonight. We can tell you, it involves a Getty Images photographer who reveals what you want to know. Coming soon.
Oh right, the weekly giveaway…..
1. Make sure you are signed up for the NEWSLETTER, either here on on the HOME page right hand column. Only those signed up are eligible.
2. check your email inbox on Weds. @ 9:00 AM PST
3. open the email from [email protected] and Hit Reply
4. Delete the main body of the email (saving server space).
5. Put the “special phrase” – included in the NEWSLETTERonly,in the subject line.
6. Add a shipping address.
7. Hit send.
The 39th person to reply will be sent
the XSHOT (plus some surprises)
No guitar licks to get right, trivia questions to answer, or video game controllers to wave at the TV. Not here.
Just a simple email reply.