You need a Wingman, & this sidekick takes care of more than the action

There is a new category of video camera that has sprung up in recent years.
It’s the sports camera that boasts a tiny footprint and delivers HD video.
Put these pups anywhere and you have a point of view like you never had, and always wanted.
A few years ago at CES the 2 main players came on the scene and form and function declared an apparent winner.
Since then, the main customer base fro these units let it be known what they felt was lacking and what they needed to have added.

Well, one company decided to add the features to a camera they wanted to use themselves.
Delkin designed the WingmanHD.

There are 2 main things that the Wingman has that the other cameras don’t:
Let’s start with a built in monitor. Yep, nothing like the old concept of framing your shot before you set your cameras’ position.

The other camera does that now, as well, but it’s an add-on feature, with added cost.
Then comes the 1/4-20 STANDARD tripod screw mount.
What has been missing from the first round of these cameras was the ability to mount the camera on a suction cup mount, Gorillapod or just a simple tripod, without being in a case.

Now we’ll be honest with you: Our review camera wasn’t getting clamped to a snowboard. It wasn’t suction cupped to the side of a race car. Not even secured to the handlebars of a mountain bike.

We carried this in our pocket during the Holiday season in NYC and it performed like a champ. On Monday we’ll release a video with those examples. We even caught the Occupy Wall Street folks trying to convince the shoppers on Black Friday not to go into Macy’s.

You can shoot 8 MP stills, create a time lapse video with the built-in intervalometer, and all of the controls have easy to use buttons on a rubberized encasement.
It comes with the waterproof housing that also has the 1/4″-20 tripod screw mount built into it.

Using a rechargeable battery, which held true for 2.5 hours for us, it also sports a slot for a micro SD. you may not have one on hand so Delkin throws one into the package.
Actually, you get everything you need to get started in the box: cables, chargers, media, protective waterproof case, and mounting straps. And the price is about $230., so you’ll save some dough over the other brand.

We have used em all. The preference for us is the box shape, as opposed to the tubular.
The Wingman has got all of the features, we wished our other unit had built in.
High recco for this camera, and we look forward to sharing some of the different ways to use it.

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