Memory almosts full..Redux
Truly. I had to go out and buy another hard drive to store all of the visuals captured on this trip.
All in all,it has been an amazing time here in NYC for a week of photo-ness. And not over yet
Walked the trade show floor, shooting video like crazy, trying to find the really worthwhile things out there for you that make sense.
[photopress:goldsmith.jpg,full,centered] Lynn Goldsmith speaks at the LEXAR booth about her years of photographing celebrities (Woody Allan on the screen here, and speaks to her new work.
And we did. I think there is a strong BEST OF SHOW product you will truly dig, and we’ll be able to give one away to one of our readers in the weekly giveaway.
Speaking of that, some great manufacturers have come forward to pass on some of their best new stuff to you, our loyal readers. More that next week.
[photopress:kirkland.jpg,full,centered]Douglas Kirkland does a live photo shoot at the Canon Booth
We have been making fast friends with a lot of folks and writing this now in the wee hours.
Suffice to say, there is a lot of new stuff for us to bring to you and we can’t wait!
Let’s see; going green with lighting, end to end book publishing, form fitting camera bags, Lens Babies for video, educational materials, smile recognition software, fast cards and cameras to match, and much more cool stuff.
And all of this on video so you can kind of see first hand. Another day on the trade show floor tomorrow.
Or should I say in a few hours.
So we are back home in LA in a few days when we will hunker down and build all of the new material for you.