Weekly Giveaway: How about a Triple Feature in your house!
Just a little find from a time looooong ago. Whatever the folks are eating in this would probably cost about $50. now.
At the end of this article we’ll share the Simpson’s version of this classic mantra.
Which brings us to this weeks giveaway: Photographers in the movies!
Shooters have been depicted in the movies in all kinda ways: the Fashion shooter, the Paparazzi, the burgeoning artist, journalist, war correspondent, fine artists, and everything in between.
We have 3 DVD’s for one reader this week, that run the gamut.
First up is the Michelangelo Antonioni classic, Blow Up
starring David Hemming, as a jaded fashion photographer in the 60’s, loosely based on David Bailey, who visits a park, takes some seemingly inocuous photographs, but when he returns to his darkroom and starts to blow up the images, a new story unfolds. B&W, 1966
Some nudity so be aware.
Going in for some straight-up, B-Movie craziness is Paparazzi
. One of your first clues on the crazy part is that Tom Sizemore plays the lead paparrazi, chasing down his prey with no concern for endangering anyone else in the process.
When he threatens the safety of one of his lead subjects, things get ugly.
True popcorn movie.
Then we’ll settle into a John Waters vision of young up and coming Baltimore photographer, whose innocent work captures the eye of a New York gallery owner in Pecker
From Amazon:
“Pecker (so named, at least according to his grandmother, because he always pecks at his food) loves to use the camera to capture his fellow Baltimore residents living their daily lives. Of course, since this is a John Waters movie, those daily lives include visits to strip bars, shoplifting, and various other quirky, and frequently hilarious, human activities. When Pecker’s makeshift photo exhibit comes to the attention of a New York art agent (Lili Taylor), Pecker becomes the latest sensation. Unlike the hero in most sudden-fame stories, however, Pecker, as played by Edward Furlong, isn’t exactly an innocent; rather, he takes in the world with his eyes, and his mind, wide open. So instead of suffering a precipitous fall, Pecker eventually turns the tables on his more worldly New York peers.
While not as outrageous as early Waters features such as Female Trouble and Pink Flamingos, Pecker still has something to offend just about everyone. But those who take the offenses to heart would be missing out on what amounts to a sweet-natured farce. The movie is not so much a pointed satire as a gentle teasing of the art world and its pretensions. The all-embracing world of John Waters allows for lovable freaks from the big city, too.”
Yes we know about most of the rest of the movies featuring photographers as the protagonists, but we figured it was time to mix-em up a bit.
Unless you’d prefer Bridges of Madison County.
Watch for the email on Weds. AM for the details on winning this triple feature of photo-goodness.
Not signed up yet?
Here’s the link.
and here is the Simpson’s version of Let’s All Go To The Lobby:
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