April 1,2006
Have you been meaning to get out to the local photography galleries ,but by the time the weekend rolls around all of your best intentions get swallowed up by errands, chores and life in general?
Here’s a tip: Click on our RESOURCES page, go to the Gallery section and click on some of the galleries listed. You will be able to travel the country taking a look at some of the exhibits, from your computer.
Your Lazy Sunday can become an inspiring, enriching look at the best in photography.
If you’ve seen an exhibit that you think should be shared ,send it to us and we’ll add it to our listing.
Our Digital Darkroom series is shaping up as we gather all of the gear to try and give our unbiased opinion in a real world usage.
Once everything is in, we’ll get to work.
First up will be color calibration tools for your monitor. Do you know the term GIGO? Garbage In, Garbage Out. If the color on your monitor isn’t correct, your prints won’t match, and you’ve just spent a lot of money on ink and paper.
The product line up comes from GretagMacbeth and Colorvision.
Stay tuned.
Damon W.