Palm Springs Photo Festival Opens Tomorrow
Tomorrow , May 6th,
[photopress:logo2.jpg,full,centered] opens for what promises to be an inspiring event.
Hey , if you are in So.Cal, you may just wake upand say ” You know, today is a good day to drive to Palm Springs” Should be good weather: 87 F and sunny during the day and 61 F at night.
Well if you can’t make it , keep checking on their blog and site to see what the heck is going on. Click the logo and see all of the seminars and workshops going on. I saw about 5 that made me want to rearrange my week. But we’re off to Miami and the Clios, a classic advertising festival. You can go there now and check out the shortlist for Print award finalists.
Reports will come from there on the state of photography in the world of advertising.
Don’t be afraid. It’ll be fine.
Damon Webster