Sometimes you just don’t need the Ferrari: Adobe Photoshop Elements 8

And when we say Ferrari, we mean Adobe Photoshop CS4.
It is the industry standard that has such an incredible tool box, there is really no reason to use other software. Of course, there are some bits that you’ll want to plug-in to enhance the experience and the options. onOne and NIK have some of our favorites.
Sometimes though, you want to leave the major machine in the garage and take out the sedan because it just gets the job at hand done.
The beauty of Photoshop Elements 8,( the sedan in this analogy) is that the learnings and most used tools of CS4 have been simplified and incorporated into this relatively easy to use version of the best photo editing/post production software tools.
If you are ready to move up from Picassa or iPhoto, get ready to have a whole new experience with your digital photo files.

Even when you do the simplest of importing (Bridge is a big part the import process searching your entire computer for files) you will notice the ease of operation.
Taking some of the most used or requested functions for the majority of photo enthusiasts, Adobe has created a package to ensure that your imagination can be served with an easy to understand tool set.
Even if your goal is to fix or “adjust” the shot, perhaps getting the group a little closer, or giving your friend a light whiter smile.

with tools like the “magic wand” and ” smart brushes” you can be assured that this programs wants to do everything to help you succeed.

Here are some other enhancements you can do with the tools included in your Photoshop Elements 8 tool box:

And if you want to make the grey sky, blue there’s a tool for that.

Need to change the color for flower that wasn’t as rich as you wanted section?

The smart tool that grabs the exact outline of the section in question, with being exact in your mouse marks is a pretty remarkable thing.
Just a couple of loose mouse or pen strokes and you’re good to make your corrections.
OK, sure, if you want to put one persons head one to another body, that tool is here too.

One of the most versatile tools is photomerge. We use it all the time for panoramics, but now you can also make some memorable vacation photos.
The image above shows multiple images merged to create a properly lit final single image. All you have to remember to do is shoot multiple images, exposure for each of the main subjects.

You know that sometimes, the dramatic architectural structures look even more spectacular at night, all lit up?
When you took the shot of your compadres in front of it, though, it called for a flash. Problem was, they were lit well, but the building wasn’t.
Problem solved: take one shot for the buddies, flash on; one for the structure, flash off, and easily merge the 2 into one well balanced photo, in Elements.
The shot above shows how precise your strokes don’t need to be to achieve the photo you want.

There are projects you can explore, fixes you can make, and generally increase your digital photographic fun and knowledge with Photoshop Elements 8. There are video tutorials, a massive Help section that even connects you immediately to the online Adobe Web Help center database, plus, as you go, there are explanations on the side of the mag you are working on to truly walk you through the process in many cases.

With this model you can cruise in automatic, or shift into manual, with assistance from some pretty cool features.

And when you’re ready for the Ferrari, you’ll know the curves in the road, and the lay of the land.
Our feeling on Adobe imaging software products is this:
These people work in imaging. every day, all day. they don’t sell Zunes, nor iPods, or even printers.
The flagship in the Photoshop family, currently CS4, paves the way to make the starter software better and muuuuuch easier.
There are tools in Photoshop Elements 8 that can be achieved in CS4…in TWENTY STEPS! But that knowledge is reformulated to this Elements package to 2 steps.

They keep making a more enhanced product, but no one is left behind because with updates, upgrades and support, you can still do what you need to do.

For us, the Adobe family of products is as strong a recco for purchase as we can make. And it may cost about $83. for MAC and less for PC on Amazon for Photoshop Elements 8.
Not ready to buy?
Take a 30 day test drive.
Who knows? Once you take for a spin, the word Photoshop won’t sound so overwhelming.
And then, when you’re ready, that shiny new Ferrari will be waiting.

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