Oncemany.com: A simple concept made brilliant!
We are always looking for great ideas from photographers to share with you, and this one just started the new year off right.
Taking the concept of a Photo-A-Day for 365 days, photographer Shane Rich not only plussed it but made it a business.
365 Day photography Project feeds Starving Artist
And the way he went about it showed ingenuity and guts.
He is selling every day in this year, to promote you or anything you’d like to on a specific day of your choosing, with an original photograph and a blurb.
It could be a business, birthday, graduation, payday, whatever day you want. As long as it’s still available.
Visit his site, Oncemany.com, to get the details on how he is doing this.
You collaborate on a concept based on information you supply. He does the rest.
And, get this, you also get a limited edition, signed, and numbered, archival photographic print of the resulting photograph for the campaign.
As the year progress, and the price of the days goes up, he increase the size of the print you receive, all the way up to 30″x40″ in Nov. and Dec.
You pay the USD amount of the numerical value of that day, with Dec. 31st costing $365.
Jan. 21st, which we bought, was $21.00. Make sure you check out his site on that day to see what he did with us.
You may be doing the math, and figuring how much he’ll make on this. Or how much the cumulative days will bank.
But think of the work, the printing (included), the shipping (included), and the shooting of an original photograph for 365 clients, and you’ll see he deserves every penny.
Take a look at what he has done so far.
Sure, it’s a tight fit at the start of the year, but then as it progresses, things in the bank account ease up a hair.
That is not the point, though.
We are so impressed by the ingenuity and work that this photographer has laid out, that we support him in finding all of the success he should achieve with this.
Check in the booking calendar now and see what days you want to book.
hmmm…no one took Valentines day, yet.
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