Tattoos abound! Show your support!
Well, temporarily anyway.
For some reason we’ve decided to make tattoos of our logo.
These beauties are 1.25 x 2.25 and are very cool.
So here’s the deal: the first 20 to send an email to :[email protected]. will be sent 2 of these tattoos.
Then if you take a photo ( be nice) of the tattoo in use, we will post it here in a special Gallery.
Then we’ll ask the rest of the readers to let us know which are the favorites. Top five get an official Photoinduced classy Black T-Shirt with a discreet logo.
OK, fine …top shot gets a special photographic giveaway to be named later.
Some ideas have been to place it near another tattoo for a new visual. Maybe try it on another surface.
I will say that when they first came in, it stayed on my arm for about 4 days.
Just a little fun on a Saturday. More vids on Monday.
Damon Webster