Lucky #3 in the series of product demos from PMA

Today we’re going to share some of the products from ThinkTank Photo, Ultimate Light Box System, MFuel, and YouSendIt.

First off, the Airport International Bag.

Now I used this bag for the first time this trip. Like I said, real world reviews.

The good:
1.looks like regular luggage, didn’t scream camera bag with thousands of dollars of goods inside.
2.with optional lower dividers fit my laptop in it’s own neoprene sleeve safely on top of those dividers
3. dividers were VERY well made and sturdy (small point but critical)
4.foam padded handles all around. HUGE deal as I had to go up and down stairs and lifting with better than bumping.
5. size was perfect. down the plane aisles and up to the overhead storage.Easy.
6. Outside stretchy pocket perfect for my copy of PDN and American Photo for reading on the plane.And the smaller zipped pocket above it handled the docs, ipod,etc.
7. Inside “lid” kept batts, biz cards, CF cards, etc. separate and safe.

Other observations:
1. The collapsible handle , went down a little deep into it’s well so I had to dig it out with my hands every time. Would’ve been a bit easier a little higher. Skycaps and bellman had the same experience.
2. The section at the top divider really didn’t fit my DSLR well at all (perhaps because of the Camera Armor adding some dimension) but once I got a configuration I could work with all was good.The DSLR sat in a different spot in the case.
3. to get into the bag to get or put away gear, I had to fully unzip the lid to properly complete the action.

This bag saved my back after 4 days on the trade show floor. Period.
All gear was safe and secure in-transit. At the end of each session I loved putting it all gear away and wheeling out the small package. Handle was long enough , although the larger models of this bag have a more solid feel to the handles.

Great travel bag, and remember, the right tool for the right job. You may want to bring another bag for a full shooting assignment when you have to work out of the bag a lot.

The folks at Harbor Digital design have come up with a set of diffusers for hot shoe flashes that caught our eye. There are other products out that also soften, color, and direct the light, but what was intriguing here is the system design and the compact-ability for travel.

Also the fact that the included baffles, filters and soft boxes prevent people around you form getting hit with the same flash as your subject.

There is a another product out there that I love the light it puts out, but until I put a piece of black foil in the back of the bowl, surrounding observers were getting smacked with the flash. Not the best for making friends.

Haven’t given this a full workout but when I do, you’ll be the first to see some results.

Another item in the video is YouSendIt, a web service that acts as your on FTP but better. Get your huge files to your clients. Or friends.
Tracking, comments, easy.
I just used this earlier this week to get an 86 mg file to my web designer. And it was free.

Yep, if you have tried to do this, you know the value here. is their newest customer. For real.

MFuel has some great solutions for power needs and the right technology. IGO is probably their nearest competitors.

I would’ve bought the full set on the spot but the laptop batt (extra 8hours!) isn’t shipping YET with the MacBook Pro mag power adapter. When it does, I’m in.

So there you have it for today.

We’ll post some video bits and bobs from the show, continue on Monday with more demos , then end with Best of Show by Tuesday or Weds.

All of us here appreciate your ideas and suggestions for articles and services here on Keep em Coming !

And if you have an idea for an article YOU would like to write, let us know. 250-300 words image(s) required, you get a byline, link to a website, etc.

Damon Webster

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