A Little Advance Notice
Now we usually let you know about shows that may be opening in the very near future…like this weekend.
BUT…here we go with a little advance notice.
One of our favorite galleries in Los Angeles,
Paul Kopekin, is having an exhibit of David DiMichele’s current body of work,
“a series of large-scale photographs depicting grandiose installations in fantasy exhibition spaces. DiMichele creates this work by first building scale models of exhibition spaces, and producing original artworks in drawing, painting and sculpture mediums, which are sited in the spaces and then photographed to create the final works. The Pseudo Documentation photographs are inspired by DiMichele’s background with photography, installation art, abstract forms and passion for monumental museum and gallery architecture combined to create this photographic series of work.”
SO…here is a point of dicsussion: is the art the installation ? Or is the photograph the final piece? Yes, I have read about the process. There are other sculptors that have worked in this mixed medium before. Love the installations. Not sure how i feel about the photograph.
Although many images are set pieces. Art directed,talent directed, lit.
Just asking the question. I’m not quite sure myself. But I’m going to keep checking it out til I’m clear. Maybe a subject for the FORUM
Mark your calendars.
Paul Kopeikin Gallery
February 10 , and runs through March 10, 2007.
6150 Wilshire Boulevard, LA 90048