A few competitions for the new year…
One of the reasons we make photographs is to share our particular vision.
Whether you want to get more exposure to a wider audience, win an award, or finally get your photographs published, here are some contest for you to consider.
5th Annual PHOTOWORKSHOP.COM Digital Imaging Contest Sponsored by Adobe
Your Best Shot from Popular Photography
National Geographic Photo Of The Month.
Nikon will be adding new contests in the coming months, and we’l keep you informed.
If the macro world is your thing, Nikon does have a contest called ” Small World ” Competition.
previous winner:
First Place, 2006 Competition
Dr. Paul L. Appleton
Division of Cell and Developmental Biology
University of Dundee
Dundee, UK
Mouse colon (740x)
And just for the students, here is one from PDNedu-the magazine for emerging photographers and photo educators.
The deadline is approaching (2/1/07) so look through your files or make an assignment for yourself and enter.
A good start to the new year.
Damon Webster