Weekly Giveaway – Diane Arbus: A Biography by Patricia Bosworth
“Freaks was a thing I photographed a lot … it had a terrific kind of excitement for me… Most people go through life dreading they’ll have a traumatic experience. Freaks are born with their trauma. They’ve already passed it. They’re aristocrats”. Diane Arbus
That is one of my favorite quotes from Diane Arbus. And you can apply those thoughts to many parts of our lives .
In the past couple of years, Diane Arbus has come into the public mindset again, starting with her massive retrospective “Revelations”, a touring exhibit of not just her photographs but objects from her life.
However one of the most moving pieces in the exhibit, for me, was the postcard sent to her daughter postmarked on the day she died.
And now comes the movie FUR, starring Nicole Kidman as Dinae Arbus. Described as an imaginary biography. The director ,Steven Shainberg, describes the film in one interview as a way for him to perhaps honor her based on his memories as a child. Check out the trailer on our MEDIA page, or click on the link for more info.
If you have seen the film, please leave some comments on the FORUM and perhaps as a community we can discuss.
For our weekly giveaway we have 5 copies the biography of Diane Arbus written by Patricia Bosworth to send to you. And this week, they are courtesy of the studio that produced FUR, Picturehouse.
The 1st,2nd,3rd, 11th, and 22nd people (all date related), to reply to the email sent to our mailing list with a shipping address will receive a copy of this biography. Look for the email 9:00 AM PST. Make sure you are on the mailing list to get in on this.
So where does the real truth lie? Define truth please.
Do photographs lie? Or interpret?
And…if you have seen the movie and will submit a 300 word review, we’ll pick one, publish it here, send you a copy of Revelations. Sound good?
Damon Webster