Reflecting on the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: A Moment to Be Grateful and Remember
As we enter this holiday season, one thing to remember, is those we love, and those we’ve lost. National Geographic and Disney, have created a documentary series, directed by Daniel Bogado, re-telling the story of this tragic event. It takes a special talent to sift through 300 hours of real documenting footage to tell a story of human depth, in the face of natures unrelenting devastating power. Streaming now
We are now approaching the 20th anniversary of one of the deadliest natural disasters in history—the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004. And there’s a profound opportunity to pause and reflect. The scale of the devastation is still hard to fathom: over 250,000 people lost their lives, entire communities were wiped out, and the impact stretched across 14 countries. Yet, amid this heartbreaking tragedy, there are stories of incredible survival, resilience, and compassion that inspire us to be thankful.
We’ve all seen the Hollywood portrayal of this disaster, but the real stories are far more powerful. At a screening, we heard from one of the 2 brothers who survived, while losing their parents in this event.
That real world connection was palpable.
Tsunami: Race Against Time, a National Geographic series marking this anniversary, dives into the personal accounts of those who lived through it—the survivors, the scientists, the journalists, and the unsung heroes who risked their lives to save others. The series, crafted with painstaking care, uses 300 hours of archival footage, firsthand testimonies, and cutting-edge simulations to recreate the terror of that day.

Water and debris surround Banda Aceh’s Grand Mosque in the aftermath of the tsunami. A massive earthquake in the Indian Ocean sets off a tsunami which within minutes arrives in the bustling city of Aceh, causing unprecedented havoc and devastation. “Tsunami: Race Against Time” follows the desperate struggle to survive of people in Indonesia and Thailand caught in the unfolding catastrophe, as well as the scientists racing against time to warn the world. (Hotli Simanjuntak)
Gratitude in the Face of Tragedy
Why reflect on such a painful chapter in history? Because it calls for a deeper understanding of the fragility of life and the strength of the human spirit. It invites us to be grateful—not just for what we have, but for the gift of life itself. The survivors, who recount the chaos, the fear, and the loss, also share stories of incredible bravery. Scientists worked tirelessly against the clock to understand the tsunami and warn the world; rescue workers faced impossible odds to save lives; and journalists reported in real time, bringing the magnitude of the disaster to the global stage.
What stands out in these stories isn’t just the pain, but the profound moments of connection, the acts of kindness, and the unyielding will to survive. Those who were fortunate enough to make it through that day live with a renewed appreciation for each precious moment they have. They know, more than most of us, how fleeting life can be.
The Race Against Time
The tsunami arrived without warning. Waves that reached up to 100 feet high rolled across the Indian Ocean, devastating coastlines from Indonesia to Sri Lanka to the east coast of Africa. In the hours that followed, scientists and experts worked with unprecedented urgency to understand the disaster and prevent further loss. The survivors, many of whom share their stories for the first time in Tsunami: Race Against Time, demonstrate the depth of human resilience. It’s a testament to our capacity to endure—and to our ability to rebuild, both physically and emotionally.
As we watch the series, or revisit the history, we are reminded not just of what was lost, but of the communities that came together to heal and rebuild. For many, the tsunami marked a new chapter, not just of recovery, but of growth, determination, and the realization that each day is a gift.
A Call to Gratitude
As the 20th anniversary of the 2004 tsunami approaches, let’s take a moment to reflect—not just on the loss, but on the survival, the rebuilding, and the lessons learned. Let’s be thankful for the lives we lead today, for the people we hold dear, and for the resilience that allows us to carry on, no matter the challenges we face. In the wake of one of the worst natural disasters in history, there is room for gratitude, even in the darkest of times.
In the face of tragedy, we have the choice to remember, to honor the past, and to find hope in our ability to keep going, to keep rebuilding, and to keep being there for each other. As we mark this anniversary, let’s be thankful—for life, for the lessons we learn, and for the strength we find in moments of great adversity.
For the documentarian readers here, consider the depth, and humanity the director, Daniel Bogado and his team, brought to this series.
Outstanding, and heart wrenching all at once.
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