Favorite Software Upgrade In The Past Year!

Sure, there have been some great deals on photo software this holiday shopping season.
The DAM (digital Asset management) software I depend on, though, is Adobe CC Lightroom Classic.

For many reasons.

Not only can I locate files going back almost 20 years on my many HDs,RAID Arrays, etc., currently over 350K images, but I can do an edit with post-production adjustments in the same program.
My workflow is to cull photos using Photo Mechanic, then import the selected images into LR, and add keywords for searches.

I always under expose slightly to maintain highlights, depending on the situation.
It used to be my Wacom tablet skills would be put to the test, trying to isolate areas before going in to touch up some areas.
Adobe has solved this with a smart mask upgrade to Lightroom! And they did it twice this year.
Let’s look at an original file, extreme as it is, to see how it started, and how it ended up, before I take you through the process:

First of all you get some very sophisticated controls:

Then you pick the starting mask tool, and dig in. Start with the subject, and you can see the overlay if you want:

Next up is the background. As you can see in this image, the main subject got the overlay, and the surrounding people and scenarios became included in the background mask ( I did open up the sky to se how it would look, before going back to a richer sky):

And just wanted to give a light hit to sky, before going back to all and adjust various masks:

I do go back and check each mask to make sure there is a balance, and any adjustments make visual sense.
What I used to do with a Wacom and a pen, now happens with smart mask.

Now what I have shown you with an image of mine, just scratches the surface.

You can also pick which people are the going to be the subject of your masking efforts. LR will identify the subjects:

And the you can go in and pick out what features you may want to adjust. Teeth in this case, as you can see by the red overlay:

You can , of course, go in  and fine tune any part of the mask you are not satisfied with. Eyebrows??

With a  brush, radiant tool, color range, luminance range, and more.

What Adobe has done is give you the smart masking and adjustments tools and have sped up the process, and have made it incredibly accurate.

Truth be told, I check out masks on almost all of my final images. Whether I hit it hard, just a light tap, or leave the image as it is, this tool has made my editing life soooo much easier.

And it was free with Creative Cloud subscription, or any configuration you may use to get your lightroom app.

It also works with the IOS version!


I would highly recommend you explore this feature, and if you don’t use Lightroom, try a free try and take it for a spin.

I know how adopting a new DAM is a very big call. Just a suggestion to explore your options if you are ready to make a switch.

Some Cyber Monday deals  right here.





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