Peak Design – Getting Ready for The Weekend

Bags, Bags, Bags! Every photographer has multiples, and each one serves a purpose, and honestly, specific to a venue you may be shooting in.
Recently, Peak Design, who has been building and designing some quality bags, straps and camera holders, has moved into the world of luggage.
Not your typical luggage, but designed with a photographer in mind.

I know that weekends getaways are always on my mind, and packing a few different bags, adds to the carry situation.
I just need it for the weekend!
So they are looking to fill that short trip niche with the new bag: The 45L Travel Backpack!
Taking into account the sleeker design that has been their hallmark, they incorporate a few of the backpack features that you are used to.
The backpack straps, hideaway beautifully, and so you can use the many handles strategically placed, around the bag as a carry option.

The sides give you easy access to the interior which is more where the uniqueness comes out.

There are camera cases designed to fit perfectly in the interior, with their trademark oragmi dividers. Pick the size cube you need to determine whether you want all of the backpack for gear, or split with clothes and other items.

One thing that I have wished for in the Peak Design bags, they now deliver: Side pockets to give you access to small items, or the omni-present water bottle 9or tripod)! Huzzah! it is now here in this backpack.

They have also introduced 2 new travel pouches, one which I love, and the other, still not sure about.
There is a tech case, that is brilliant!

for all of your cables, wires, adaptors, even a battery charger for your phone with a hole leading out for the charging head!

I have been using Muji mesh bags, but this is a much better solution. A Space for everything and everything in it’s place!
The other case is a toiletries kit, or dopp kit.

I appreciate the thought, but in the pre-production model there were some questions: In my other travel dopp kits, I can hang the case, and all things are revealed and easy to access, This one has a short hook, that opens the case to you, but doesn’t feel secure. Sitting on a shelf, or a bathroom top, no problem.

Another great thing are the strong, yet thin, packing cubes. With a way to adjust the height for all of your weekend clothes, plus a separator for clean and dirty, these are also going into use immediately!

True, this next pic shows a few more T’s than needed for a weekend, but you get the idea of how the cube can be expanded to hold more.
And some small shoe bags to round out the system.

Overall, this bag system, fits in just right for weekend trips.
There is one addition I’d like to see: a great place to put a camera strap so you can hit the AirBnB, put down the bag with clothes, toiletries, extra shoes, and just lift out the camera bag, and start your walkabout.
I will add the strap myself, and see how the design works out.

This was a pre-production model Im looking at, and the overall functionality is good. Plus, it looks great.
also will hook onto your roller bag if that’s the way you want to go.

How much?
Well, it’s on Kickstarter right now. They also just added some duffle bags to the line-up. Not quite my deal, so just looking at the camera bag aspects.
Since it’s Peak Design. you can rest assured they will deliver.
I have had some dodgy deals with a fewKickstarter deals, but this company is straight up. 8X they have delivered, so all good.
Get in on the good deal, and back by Thu, September 20 2018 8:00 PM EDT. for the best price.

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