Magnum Square Print Sale: FREEDOM!

USA. Baltimore, MD. October 31, 1964. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. being greeted on his return to the US after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Leonard Freed USA. Baltimore, MD. October 31, 1964.

You have 4 days left to pick up some of the finest photography by the luminaries of the Magnum Photo world.

OK, not to dwell on the hyperbole, but these images are just the right size to sprinkle about your house. Gems fro the artists that you admire, for the price of $100.
And after you buy, get them framed and place them where you eyes will catch them in the special place on the wall.
The quality is spectacular, and they are either signed or estate stamped.
One of my friends has about 40 of these.
Time to spruce up your collection! Only available til Friday 6/8/2018!

The sale is now live through Friday, June 8, 2018

Signed or estate-stamped, museum quality, 6×6” prints for $100. For five days only.
The Magnum Square Print Sale takes place at the Magnum Photos Online Shop:

These are a few of my faves:

Steve McCurry Rabari shepherd. Rajasthan, India. 2009.

Bar girl in a brothel in the red-light district. Havana, Cuba. 1954. © Eve Arnold/Magnum Photos

Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Argentinian politician and minister of industry for Cuba (1961-1965), during an exclusive interview in his office. Havana, Cuba. 1963 © Rene Burri / Magnum Photos

1968 was a seismic year of deep societal and political shifts – all in the name of freedom. International issues of freedom from oppression, freedom of speech, political, sexual and religious freedom all came to the fore as student protests racked cities, declarations of independence were made, and in America particularly, the civil rights movement took hold, Martin Luther King was assassinated, whilst anti-Vietnam war protests concurrently emerged.

Fifty years on, the Magnum Photos June 2018 Square Print Sale examines both the definition of freedom, and the legacy of this quest for freedom through the work of Magnum’s photographers. Inviting a wide interpretation of the theme, the project includes iconic images that have defined and documented humanity’s quest for freedom over the past 70 years, and the deeply personal images that symbolize creative freedom.

From Stuart Franklin’s photograph of Tiananmen Square in 1989, to Bruce Davidson and Leonard Freed’s images of the US civil rights movement, and Robert Capa’s photograph of the liberation of Paris in 1944, the project creates a potted history of the 20th century. These well-known works are presented alongside personal images that demonstrate photography itself is a tool of freedom – symbolizing freedom of speech and subjectivity. Photography can document the quest for and limitations of freedom, and as a medium has enabled many artists to find a voice and an identity through unhampered creative practice.

When Magnum was founded, in 1947, one of its core principles was to enable photographers to take back control over the copyright to their work while simultaneously giving them freedom over the choice of stories they wanted to cover. Ever since, Magnum photographers’ work has been imbued with a sense of freedom, both in the personal approaches to their work and in the themes and subjects they explore.

For the first Square Print Sale of 2018, Magnum’s photographers and estates have responded to the theme in images and texts, exploring their own relationship to freedom and what it means to them.

Magnum Photos was founded in Paris in 1947 as an artists’ cooperative by four pioneering photographers, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, David “Chim” Seymour, and George Rodger. The legendary photo agency continues to shape photographic practice and maintains its original values of uncompromising excellence, truth, respect and independence, representing an idiosyncratic mix of journalist, artist and storyteller. Magnum photographers share a vision to chronicle world events, people, places and culture with a powerful narrative that defies convention, shatters the status quo, redefines history and transforms lives.

It is open from Monday, June 4, 2018, at 8AM EST until Friday, June 8, 2018, at 6PM EST.

During the sale, and for five days only, over 70 archival-quality prints, signed by the photographers or estate-stamped by the estates, are available for just $100.

Magnum Square Prints are printed on 6-by-6-inch (15.24-by-15.24- cm) archival paper. They are not editioned by quantity, but editioned by time, as these items will not be made available outside the sale window. The images in each sale are always different, and will never be available in this format again.

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