Holiday Gift Guide 2016 – Part 1: Starting With The Basics

Whether you are looking for a right gift for a photographer, tips for your wish list for others, or just need to get some year-end upgrades, I hope the next days of the latest edition of the Gift Guide have something for you.
Let’s get to it!

First of all: Straps!
Do you carry your cameras on your shoulder or perhaps with a wrist strap? Or if you are a little crazy like me, and use both?
Good news-BlackRapid has taken their now classic line of products and upgraded in so many ways, you’ll want to treat yourself to the new straps. For me, it’s the best strap out there, and saves my shoulders and back after a long day with 2 cameras rocking. Period. That’s what I look for in a strap.
Now, the basic system hasn’t changed in theory but got better : lighter, breathable, safer. Check out this review on the Hybrid for some more details. And if you don’t think you really need a new strap, update your current BlackRapid with quieter FastenR (rubber coated for quiet), Lockstars (additional lock on clasp), and a sweet tripod plate.
Honestly, before the new straps came out, I was looking at all of those upgrade accessories myself. I want all of my cameras to have the FastenR on at all times, to make it an easy hook up to cross chest straps.
I know, only recommending one brand for that.

Different on the hand, or wrist straps.
I have a preference for my camera to have a wrist strap, even when on a shoulder strap. And I’ve tried a ton of them.
Each one just has a different feel. You’ll need to pick based on preference in action.
So the strap I’m using on an Fuji X-T2 is the latest from Spider. img_0286-2


The Spiderlight for Mirrorless. $40, and available in a ton of colors.
Great form factor, comfortable, and stays where you want it. Have spent 5 solid days with it on the street and it rules!
Try the Spiderpro for the DSLRS. Around $65.

Then, BlackRapid has a cool wrist strap which is lightweight, and takes into consideration a long day of shootings and adds a wrist strap to the hand strap. Seems like a great preventer of wrist fatigue for your heavier cameras. Easy integration with the BR system. $40

Going small, a classy strap for the mirrorless crowd is the Lance strap. Solid build, O ring attachment, and will stay where you put it. Simple and elegant. About $24

Have a smaller need? For a right price, the Joby wrist strap is a great option. Mine lives on a Fuji x100T all the time. Only $12.

Going back to ways to carry your camera, Spider just launched a new product, that lets you get into their primary system, without getting all suited up.
The new SpiderLight Holster

Using your own belt, this locking holster, keeps your mirrorless at your side.
The idea of not having to use the full spider belt was the main appeal here. Not sure about hanging a DSLR with real glass on my belt as I think my pants could fall down! This unit, though, makes sense.

More gift guides coming up!

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  • 41 East 57th Street, Suite 801
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  • Tel: 212-334-0100
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  • through March 1, 2025, 2024
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