You’re Gonna Need Em’ : Best BlueTooth Earbuds ?

Here’s the deal: the next version of the iPhone is rumored to have no headphone jack.
That’s right, your favorite headphones will either need an adaptor for the lighting jack, or perhaps share a dual jack so you can also charge the phone.
Lot’s of added goods for your listening pleasure.
OR…. you get wireless, and go to a set of BlueTooth headphones and actually clean up the wires extensions on your device.
I went on a hunt and it kinda came down to a few choices, with one a clear winner.
The criteria were first of all, sound quality, then fit, a close second. Rounding out the top 3 was battery life.
No, I am not going to the gym with these, although I probably should, so a short term battery was a no go.
Flying cross country, you want to know that your earbuds can handle the whole flight, plus the wait time before and after.
Epic2, by JLab has an industry leading 12 HOURS of battery life!
And for listening pleasure? The sound was clear, had depth, separation, and relatively flat (a good thing) so you get the music as it was intended. Add your bass or treble as you like to season the sound on your device.

The mic for the phone was clear, without distortion, and no too “crispy”, as my cohort opined.

The fit, with its customizable, over ear wire system, felt secure and very comfortable. It comes with a great zip-up case with a plethora of earbud sizes and covers, so you can make sure you have the best fit. And it does make a difference how your music is heard so make sure you use the best, snug fit.

Charging port is where it should be, at the controls.

There is something comforting when you press the connect button, it’s confirmed and it lets you know how much power you have. Percentage would be better, but I’ll take full, medium, or low.
Every night i plug all of my devices in to charge, and honestly, have no worries, when I’ve forgotten to plug in the earbuds.
I did say 12hrs of battery life, right?

One thing to note is that there latency, as with all BlueTooth devices. What that means is that your conversation voices have a slight delay. Just an issue with BT. And if you are shooting video with your phone, or another camera, something to consider
New version of BlueTooth coming, but maybe not for another year to a year and a half.

One other note is that I did try some other BT earbuds. Plantronics, for example has a great earbud ear connector, and comes with a pouch that also is a battery so you can charge the earbuds, or another device in a pinch. My issue with that is when I’m on a 6hr flight, fully charged I’m only getting 4.5 hours, 10hrs with a recharge. Really don’t want to stop the music.
Sure, when you watch an airplane movie, you will need a plug in headset. Nothing is perfect.

•Great sound
•over ear wire hook
•Clean Mic
Bluetooth 4.0
•12 Hours of battery life!!!!

What’s not to like? Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

I just wish I had a black pair instead of the blue. C’mon, I’m in NY!

Final note: At this point, no bluetooth earbud phone mics sound as good as direct connection, either with a plug-in or right to the phone.
Just the way it is. If someone has a better solution, please contact me.

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