Magnum Square Print Sale – Time To Refresh Your Walls

David Seymour Chim _ Magnum PhotosDAVID SEYMOUR ISRAEL. 1951. © David Seymour / Magnum Photos

I always look forward to this event.
Imagine buying a museum quality print, from one of the most prestigious photography agencies, Magnum Photos, for $100.

Signed or estate stamped, high quality printing, and the selection is prime.
Now, when they say SQUARE, that is exactly what they mean.
6″x 6″ prints.
Raghu Rai_Magnum PhotosRaghu Rai INDIA. Delhi. Wrestlers through the painted gate, Paharganj, 1988 © Raghu Rai

You surely have room for one of these, right? I bought one last year, and hung it so every morning I get to see it smiling back at me. The archival matte and framing was pretty affordable.

And the theme this time is:

The sale will take place at the Magnum Photos Online Shop:

David Alan Harvey _ Magnum PhotosDAVID ALAN HAREY SPAIN. Ibiza. 1991. Soap suds party © David Alan Harvey / Magnum Photos

The details:


Signed and estate stamped, museum quality, 6×6” prints for $100. For 5 days only.
Magnum Photos co-founder Henri Cartier-Bresson is synonymous with the idea of ‘the decisive moment’, a critical idea in the theory and history of photography.

Steve McCurry _ Magnum PhotosSTEVE MCCURRY Pakistan, 1983 ©Steve McCurry / Magnum Photos

In this Square Print Project. the agency looks back at the impact and legacy of Cartier-Bresson, his influence on contemporary photography and the ways in which the decisive moment is manifest in the work of Magnum photographers today.
For five days only, prints by Magnum photographers which respond to the meaning of the decisive moment, will be available to buy as signed, museum quality, 6×6” square prints, exceptionally priced at just $100.
Including both classic and contemporary photography, over 60 works by Martin Parr, Alex Webb, René Burri, Elliott Erwitt, Tim Hetherington, Newsha Tavakolian, Peter van Agtmael, Eve Arnold and many more Magnum photographers will be available for a limited time only.

ABOUT THE DECISIVE MOMENT: The notion of the decisive moment was coined by Cartier-Bresson’s English language publisher Simon & Schuster in 1952, translating the French title of the book, Images à la Sauvette. Cartier-Bresson annotated Martin Parr’s personal copy to read ‘The More or Less Decisive Moment(s)’, hinting at the plurality and ambiguity of its meaning. Every photographer within Magnum Photos has been invited to select an image from their archive and to reflect upon how the photographic concept of the decisive moment influences their practice. Accompanied by personal written responses, these images and texts create a collective portrait of the critical thinking that defines the agency.The works included in the Square Print sale are intended to spark debate around the meaning of the decisive moment. What goes through a photographer’s mind when capturing a shot? What are the moral or ethical implications in the quest to find the decisive moment? What part does the unconscious play? Is the realisation of a decisive mo-ment always in the present, or can that come later? Is there even such a thing as the decisive moment?

The Magnum Square Print Sale will take place at the Magnum Photos Online Shop: It will be open from Monday, June 6th, 2016, at 9AM EST until Friday, June 10th, 2016, at 11PM EST

Get on it!

Here is what mine looks like, from the last sale:

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