PMA 2009 – Done and Done!
Our time in Vegas came to a close today. We left with some tired feet, but with a TON of video of new products you should know about. Plus some real-world reviews are on their way, in the coming weeks.
There was an added event, which is where this photo was taken. More later in this post.
Here is some top-line product stuff:
Spotting some trends out there, like GPS coming on strong, and the scanning of your old negs, slides and prints, coming on strong , especially with 2 companies coming out on top. Getting your memories into your digital life is something we’ll all have to do.
One of them, ScanCafe, has Pulitzer price winning photographer David Hume Kennerly on their board.
He is not just a board member, he’s a client.
We were very happy to do a video interview with him, and he shared some incredible images of the Obama family moving into the Whitehouse, and behind the scenes of the inauguration. Seeing photographs of the toys get loaded into the Whitehouse was awesome.
This man has had the most amazing access for years, and his master’s eye brings a series of photos that you have to see.
We’ll be sharing some here before the book comes out.
Gorillapod came out with a new heavy duty flexible tripod, and there will be a real world test with a pro DSLR and a
big ole piece of glass; maybe 80-200 2.8.
Lowepro showed off their latest entry in top loading bags and the roller bag category, now with a removable tripod socket in the handle.
Samsung proved that it IS a small world after all, as this diorama was surrounded by all of their cameras, video and still, available for pointing at this colorful array of dolls stuffed animals and toy trains, etc.
In the quest for a perfect suit-jacket pocket, point and shoot, we’ve also entered the Nikon S220
and the Panasonic DMC-FX48
Sure, the top of the line point and shoots mimic so much of a DSLR capabilities, but when there is a nighttime event and event and a few high quality shots are what we need to share, that small, quality P&S is what we’re after.
Giving up RAW will be a drag, but light is good. File under right tool for the job.
A huge thanks to Photojojo and HP for a great photo safari to the Neon Graveyard, 2 lots where the old Vegas signage goes to rest.
[photopress:_147.jpg,full,centered] Amit Gupta- founder of Photojojo
[photopress:_50.jpg,full,centered] one of the 100 shooters on the safari.
We’re unpacking, uploading, and getting ready to share some of what we found in depth.
All coming up.