Triggertrap Mobile : Adding Controls Your Camera Never Had

Every time you upgrade your camera to the latest model, new features are usually found in the menu: Facial Recognition, Panoramic, simple HDR, basic Time Lapse, etc..
But there things that may never be added.
Features that are dependent on things like motion and sound sensors. Things that you may have in your smartphone. Like an accelerometer.
Triggertrap has been working in this space for years now, ever since their very popular Kickstarter campaign, and their latest one for the new Ada camera trigger.
If you would like a robust, easy to use, remote control for your camera that is so much more than a plain shutter release, I’ve got to recommend the Triggertrap Mobile. And they take the basic extras in your feature set, and supersize them.


Using a connection cable specific to your camera, a dongle that holds the magic, and another cable to connect to your smartphone, Android or iOS, you can use an free app, that does a ton and for a low cost. About $35.

What I like about this set-up is that the app/dongle just works.
Simple, written with a light touch, and no elaborate set-up:

Download the App, plug in the cable to the camera and the other into your phone and you are done. Open the App, and shoot Away.
The best part is that there is control of the sensitivity for the triggers like, sound, motion, vibration (listed as triggering by vibrations and earthquakes!), Peekaboo (facial recognition which lets you chose how many faces it must see to trip the shutter), a variety of timelapse modes, including a ramping version so you can end or start your timelapse with a ramp.
And the control for this is all by using your touch screen.
It uses the advantages of your phone like GPS to give you pretty exacting sunrise, sunset times, PLUS First light/Last light times so you can actually get your rig ready, and have a better idea of your shooting schedule.
It helps you figure out Star Trail shots, even HDR Time Lapse series.
Of course it has the basics: Simple release for motion free long exposures, press and hold, timed release, press and hold, etc..

The main reason I like this product is the App. It is so clean and well laid out, and simple to use, you’ll be up and running seconds after you are set-up.
I’ve used many of these and will use many more, but right now this set-up is a perfect answer to controlled triggering of your camera.
Remember, they have cables that will work on about 300 cameras.
I used this on my own camera, and it worked in each app, no problem. The Star Trails have been a tough one to get, but only because I’m not going to stand on the roof in winter.
The only feature I’m not sure about is the ND calculator. Not sure that I’d ever use it, but handy when you are calculating long exposures.


One other item I’d suggest getting is a thing called a Phonetrap.
It is a springloaded frame that holds your phone, while slipping into your camera’s hotshoe and tightening in, so it’s secure as you control the camera by the App.
Not essential, but I found it a perfect addition, especially when you do the facial recognition as the app uses the phones camera to see the faces.
The above shot shows someone shooting a “yellfie” as they scream to trigger the camera.

Pick it up for about $35 USD from the company direct. Not available at B&H at this time.
Go ahead, buy direct. They are a good team of folks dedicated to making the tools you need in image making, better.

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