Brad Elterman : a little #TBT in many ways

This article was first posted in 2009. We’re going to dedicate Thursdays on Photoinduced as Throw Back Thursday, and go into our archives to reintroduce some folks and photography to you.

Sure, the concept of paparazzi was popularized in the days of La Dolce Vita.
Yes, celebrities have always been sought after for exclusive personal photos, although never to the extent the paps go after them now. Celebrity magazines have been around since…..well, since Hollywood began.

We’re not back that far (yet) but only to the 70’s.
Brad Elterman was a teenage shooter, finding his way into every cool scene, when there were not many others covering la vida loca.( Parental and workplace warning: nudity on his site)
From his photos of the Ramones, Bob Dylan,Blondie,Joan Jett, and the Runaways, and most of the rockers of the period, he had access to them all. Want to see a vry young Robert DeNiro? He’s got that shot. Frank Sinatra? Yep

There were no uploads. There were no email deliveries.

He did the work. Souped the film, made the prints, delivered the goods. And became his subjects friends. Most of the time.

(Check out that shot of Leif Garret and a very young Nicolette Sheridan on the video still frame below. BUT click on it to see the full video)

Brad was working in a time when he may have been considered a photojournalist more than a paparazzi.
Today the pap term has connotations for the general public that are pretty negative. Although there are some symbiotic relationships between PR folks and the shooters (how else do they know who is leaving the hairdressers or grocery stores unless a publicist tips them. I mean, really.)
Quite the contrary in Brads case. He was more often invited in and asked to photograph those seeking a little fame.

He’s constantly working and has found a new audience.
Brad Elterman has been selected as one of the top people to watch on instagram, follow him @
And buy his book:Brad Elterman: Dog Dance
He’ll be happy you did.

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  • O. Winston Link: Hot Shot
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  • 508 West 26th Street
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  • Through March 15th, 2025
  • 41 East 57th Street, Suite 801
  • New York,NY 10022
  • Tel: 212-334-0100
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  • Woof Woof: The Dog In Photography
  • through March 1, 2025, 2024
  • 2525 Michigan Avenue Gallery A1
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  • 90404
  • Phone: 310.453.6463

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