Before They Disappear……..

OK, some quick notes on a couple of must see exhibits, that close this week in NYC.
I know, I know, we try to talk about things you can access and see even if you are not physically present, and we’ll give you links. However, these 2 shows, especially the Pet Store are awesome in person.
The power of B&W photography as a social commentary medium, is used to it’s best advantage in this comprehensive exhibition of Josef Koudelka’s photographs made during the 1968 Soviet-led invasion of Prague.


The sheer size and layout of the show, set against a black wall background, are extremely potent.
[photopress:671_cover.jpg,full,alignright]A 30 year old Koudelka, returning from photographing his landmark series “Gypsies”,lived the invasion and covered it close-up.
One of the things that I kept coming back to in the show was the camera’s POV. How he was in the thick of the action and terror, and recording it all.
This one closes Oct. 30th at the Aperture Gallery in NYC. Check it out on-line and there is also a companion book, Invasion 68: Prague, available at a pretty good price right now, direct from Aperture.

Now this next exhibit isn’t photography, but has a TON of photo possibilities. We’ve been walking in NYC, shooting the Nikon P6000. The only way we can tell how good a camera is, is by actually using it in the most normal manner. So we slip it into the jacket and carry on.
The Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill by Banksy is an actual storefront with animatronic creatures inhabiting the spaces.


Where you would see a fluffy yellow chick, instead you are treated to chicken nuggets bobbing their …..heads? sauce.


Or a hot dog, fully mustard-ed and prepped, dipping its end in a water dish.


Perhaps a nice pair of fish sticks, swimming in the fish bowl is what you fancy.
Yum.(how do they stay crispy, we wonder?)
This interactive, in your face, extremely real, exhibit is open til Oct. 31st from 10:00AM til 12:00 PM daily.
89 7th Ave. South, by Bleeker.
The photographic point here is carrying a compact camera, with the high quality in glass, processor, reaction time, file size (RAW & JPEG) to capture your life whenever you want, without the bulk.
And the trusty Nikon was able to catch it all, beautifully. Many more drills to run through with it though.

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Upcoming Events

  • April 23-27 th, 2025
  • Park Avenue Armory
  • WPPI
  • March 16-20, 2025
  • Rio Hotel, Las Vegas

Is there an event we should know about?
Let us know on twitter.

Current Exhibitions

  • Robert Mann Gallery
  • O. Winston Link: Hot Shot
  • Feb 7th- March 28th, 20252025
  • 508 West 26th Street
    Suite 9F
  • , New York, NY 10001
  • Tel: 212.989.7600
  • Howard Greenberg Gallery
  • Written Once-Wim Wenders
  • Through March 15th, 2025
  • 41 East 57th Street, Suite 801
  • New York,NY 10022
  • Tel: 212-334-0100
  • Peter Fetterman Gallery
  • Woof Woof: The Dog In Photography
  • through March 1, 2025, 2024
  • 2525 Michigan Avenue Gallery A1
  • Santa Monica, CA
  • 90404
  • Phone: 310.453.6463

Is there an exhibition we’re missing? Let us know on twitter.

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