From The Land of Aaron and Rosie – The Love Story Continues
Yes, as promised, and with the permission of the artists/couple, we bring you another installment of the Aaron And Rosie story.
Remember? We told you about this couple who met online via a Flickr 365 days self portraits, and fell in love.
It’s an awesome photographic love story that has found followers all over the world.
We’re sharing it here as a very unique tale, told though visuals.
And as in every love story, there are the secrets revealed and the layers of the onion pulled back, so to speak. It happens here in a photographic manner.
This weeks image – Alopecia
[photopress:2942438120_108dd8aff7.jpg,full,centered] © Rosie Hardy
You should go to the site for the full story on this one. We just wanted to give you the heads up.
And we’ll keep bringing you new images from this talented team.
And they teach, too. You can take an online course from this couple and learn how to use the tools that they use. You probably have the software, but their instruction will open you mind a bit.
Honestly, it is a pleasure to bring you a story about love and creativity. Let’s see how it develops. (so sorry for that, but it just came out)