Weekly Giveaway – Saul Leiter Book
We brought this to your attention a few weeks ago and we wanted to make sure we secured a copy for you for the weekly giveaway.
You see, in the world of photography book publishing, unless there is a huge general market for a book, the printing runs are fairly limited. So it may happen that by the time you want to buy a book, it’s either out of print, hard to find and expensive, or now and again, it’s gone to the remainder pile. Or, it is so popular, it gets reprinted.
Such is the case here – the Second Printing
When we first got the word that Saul Leiter was having a renaissance, we immediately went to find the book. It was a tough one to locate, and very expensive.
Thankfully with a bit of research a reasonable price was found in Europe and a copy was ordered.
Holy Moly.
This book of photographs by Saul Leiter is simply amazing. Published by Steidl, so you know the quality is very high, the images are breathtaking.
These rarely seen images are gathered here from this 84 year old artist, who insists on his near anonymity.
“I started out as a fashion photographer. One cannot say that I was successful but there was enough work to keep me busy. I collaborated with Harper’s Bazaar and other magazines. I was constantly aware that those who hired me would have preferred to work with a star such as Avedon. But it didn’t matter. I had work and I made a living. At the same time, I took my own photographs. Strangely enough, I knew exactly what I wanted and what I liked.â€
Saul Leiter
[photopress:41OCY0EJ3SL._SS500__1.jpg,full,centered]© Saul Leiter
[photopress:447158669_13417e450e.jpg,full,centered]© Saul Leiter
[photopress:saul_leiter.jpg,full,centered]© Saul Leiter
[photopress:saul_Lleiter_2.jpg,full,centered]© Saul Leiter
This is a giveaway we are particularly happy to bring you, as it’s fast becoming one of our favorite books. We’ve even picked some up for personal gift giving. Just getting ready.
The question is, who will we send this to from our Photoinduced.com community?
Well, the first step, is making sure that you are signed up for the NEWSLETTER. Each week we send this out with a recap, some fresh info, and the details on getting the weekly item.
The NEWSLETTER comes out every Weds. @ 9:00 AM PST., to your email inbox.
And this week, we are in NYC getting you some hands on looks at the new gear and looking for some perhaps overlooked tools, that can help you in your photographic life.
If there is something you’d like a closer look at, let us know, and we’ll try to cover it.
Look, we’ve said it before: Photoinduced.com is your site. We just get to hang out with you.