Real World Review : Rogue SoftBox for Speedlights

The bain of every photographer using speedlights is the rather ugly, harsh light blasting out of the end of them.

It needs to be tamed, shaped, many times softened so that your subjects are treated with respect, and beautiful, flattering light.

It’s a quest we’ve all been on.

Last week I shot an assignment for 3 days using the new Rogue Softbox for speedlights, the small guy.


This has now become my standard, on-camera lighting, diffusion, and here is why:

The kit is basically made up of 2 items: The Rogue Flashbender, which I already use for bouncing the light, and a diffusion screen that attaches to it.


notice the silvered, reflective surface on the top portion.

The whole unit packs flat, and therefor fits in a slim pocket of my camera bag. Winner.

This is actually a new and improved version, using snaps for the top section to secure and shape the softbox around the speedlight. Better design, easier to use.

These folks make great products, and never stop improving them, as they listen to the public who use them.

It goes on fast and easy with an elastic/velcro system, which wraps around the flash head of the speedlight.


DSC00274Side view, secured to the speedlight

What I love about the light outta these pups is the quality of the spread. There is a baffle, or extra layer, of the nylon diffusion material, right around the head.

This design helps gently fill the facial shadows, and even shooting on an angle, capture the right lighting ratio, for a group of people.

Another positive is the fact that the light is contained.

What do I mean by that?

I have shot this event before using another light modifier. It was the kind that looks like a food container. Great light, for sure, but it send is front, back, top, sides, and everywhere, including your subject.

Depending how you set their light, the folks behind you will want to kill you.

Trust me.

DSC00276the rear view.

For shooting in a group of people, the Rogue Soft Box, can’t be beat, the light goes where you need it too, no spill out the back, and you can chimp it with subjects and they’ll all be smiling.


Packs flat

Versatile (use flashbender on its own if you like)

Easy to set up

Great quality of light modifier.

Only about $50!

Here is an example of the light:


TTL, subject with glasses and no glare, no red-eye, backlit.

I do apologize for not showing you more examples of the event shoot, but it was a very private affair and is not hitting publication for a few weeks.

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