LED lights are flooding the market: LEDZ simplifies the design!
Years ago, Litepanels came on the scene with rheostats,cool to the touch, color balanced lights.
Battery or AC, a whole new world of lighting opened up.Pricey, but delivered.
Output was the big issue. If you moved too far away from the source, the dropoff was dramatic.
I was happy to move away from the hot Arris, and lowell tota lights. Waiting for this to cool down was a time suck. Necessary, but, still.
Litepanels knew of course, as did everyone, that competition would come roaring up the road.
From the array panels out of China, to affordable ringlights, LEDS made their mark.
Now LEDZ, decided to enter this crowded field with a new way to look at it all.
Larger diodes, accept the resulting heat, dissipate that heat with lightweight heat sink, and crank up the power.
Take a look:
Coupla stand out features:
That Razor allows you to take out LIVE rods add where you need. Crazy Light up a whole bar with about 8 of those.
And that Huge Brute has a major throw as you could see from the high ceiling spotlighting.
One thing that we didn’t put on vid, were air cushioned light stands. Perfect.
Got my eye on a sweet setup for interviews.