And Now A Word From……You!

Last week we did the weekly giveaway a little differently.
[photopress:simplesave3.jpg,full,alignright] Along with giving product to the correctly numbered reply, we asked you to tell us why the item, in this case, HP SimpleSave DVD’s, would be a good thing for you to get.
Well, the response was terrific, and we wish there was enough product for everyone.
OK, there is, but you’ll have to go to a store or online to purchase it.

More importantly, was the fact that you shared experiences that, no doubt, others have had.

Jason N. of Irving Texas wrote:

“Here is a story for you. Working on a new landscape job (photographing their final properties to update their portfolio) and my mother board on the lap goes out. I have all my files on a hard drive except for the two houses I was going to work on that night. Lost all photos to those properties. Gets even better…I had pulled the file from my external hard drive to the desk top to work on. The file was very important…my trip with my wife to New York and my graduation from the Defense Information School….gone…all of them..and now my wife is really p***ed.”

Kitty M sent this in:

“I would like to enter into the free-give away contest for my other half. We have been so busy the last few years with the studio, that we have just been downloading our personal snapshots onto our computers and we never get a chance to back them up (or look at them…) I would love to be able to give him these discs so he can stop fretting about losing the images before we have a little free personal time to make a book out of them all. He had a big scare with his computer 2 weeks ago and was crushed over the thought of losing the photos. So I think this is something he would really appreciate.”

And Joanne B, of East Meadow, NY shared this:

“I am brand new to digital and am still learning. I have many photos that I have on my Picassa and ProCanon editors (it came with the printer).

I have tried to save some photos (e.g., I have 300 photos of a air show) to a disk, but have been unable. Need to buy new software, nothing I have is compatible. Don’t know (or understand) a thing about it (yet).

If I have something with the software built in, that was save me lot’s of grief and make things so much easier for me. And, like you said, most likely save me from grief later!”

So we are very happy to be sending a 5Disc pack of HP SimpleSave DVD;s to those readers mentioned above.

You know, when the people that make all of these products hear from folks like you, they get a great sense of what works and what doesn’t and what you may like to use.
And we dig being able to get these products in your hands, and let you know what we’ve ound out there that may help you out in your photographic pursuits.
If you’ve seen something out there that would be a cool thing to share, let us know. We’ll scope it out and get the real deal.
perhaps even get something to add to the weekly giveaway.

We also heard from the iPhone contest winner:

“Big thanks to the judges, Damon Webster and everyone at Photoinduced for my new iPhone.

I was amazed the first time I saw my entry on the iPhone screen, which didn\’t happen until after the contest was over. It actually looked better than it does on my computer screen.

Thanks again and all the best,
Preuit Holland”

Wait till you see what the next contest will bring.

OK, off to change DVDs (burning my photofiles to disc, a regular ritual) and watch some Olympics.
You too?

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Upcoming Events

  • April 23-27 th, 2025
  • Park Avenue Armory
  • WPPI
  • March 16-20, 2025
  • Rio Hotel, Las Vegas

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Current Exhibitions

  • Robert Mann Gallery
  • O. Winston Link: Hot Shot
  • Feb 7th- March 28th, 20252025
  • 508 West 26th Street
    Suite 9F
  • , New York, NY 10001
  • Tel: 212.989.7600
  • Howard Greenberg Gallery
  • Reflections – Rahim Fortune
  • March 22th-May 14 2025
  • 41 East 57th Street, Suite 801
  • New York,NY 10022
  • Tel: 212-334-0100
  • Peter Fetterman Gallery
  • The World of Sebastio Salgado
  • through March 15-June 21 2025
  • 2525 Michigan Avenue Gallery A1
  • Santa Monica, CA
  • 90404
  • Phone: 310.453.6463
  • The Metropolitan Museum
  • The New Art of American Photography: 1839-1920
  • April 11- July 20th 2025
  • 1000 Fifth Avenue
  • NYC, NY
  • 10028

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