Monitor your audio: in-ear or near?

In a recent post we let you know what we feel is the standard for monitoring your audio, when shooting video: Sony MDR7506 Pro
over the ear monitors. Under $100.

But we all tend to go for double duty headsets for the video recording. And small.Just so much room in the bag.
We want great sound for the music when not recording, and multi use at the end of the day.
I’m going to tell you about a few options out there, each having it’s own strengths, and possible features that you need.
41VDG13YPqLLet’s look first at a headset that was developed for the Army.
Yep, they spent some research dough here.
Called AfterShokz Sportz
, this unique headset, available wired or blue tooth doesn’t sit over your ear.
It doesn’t insert into your ear.
This sits essentially on your jawbone and uses the vibration of the sound to transmit it to you ear bones.
Too technical? Called Bone Conduction Technology.
I’ll be honest, saw this last year at CES, and was very impressed, but it never quite worked right.

One year later, and this current version works great.

It’s not really a set to use on the plane, as your neighbor will be enjoying your music as well.
You will be aware of all sound around you. This can be particularly good on a run, to be aware, and on set, as long as the hot mics are far from you, the ability to aurally sift through the masses of sound walls is a positive.
inspire_ltd_1Another company that continues to innovate is Yurbuds Ironman.
When first introduced, the company line was all about the custom fit of the earplugs. They had a huge range that would allow the buds to fit tight.
They continued improvement on this design to the current, with flanges or fins, that once put into your ear, will not shake out.
To that end they would demonstrate that with a Parkour master doing a standing somersault without losing a bud.
If you’re shooting some extreme sport video, this is your set.

SV_blkA relative newcomer to the category, Munitio, in a short time has come up with an earbud,that fits snugly, using one of 3 sets of sized silicon nubs.
Originally they made their design name by using a gun shell casing as the ear bud. Since then they have moved on from the gimmick only, and have concentrated on the sound quality.

From my perspective, the full range of sound, separation, clean bass, and undistorted treble, was the best with this unit.

The cables were made of a material covered wire, and flat so that didn’t tend to tangle.

This unit, like most of the others currently on the market, will work with your smart phone: answer, hang-up, vol up, vol down, next track for music.

The only issue I found with the current modelMunitio was availability: Have not seen it in the major distributors.

I also recco a favorite from last year the Klipsch s4i: great sound, works with your smartphone, and comfy in the ears.
The top winner from last year, Clarity One, had great sound but after continued use, the wires became loose at the joining points. Fail.

SO here’s the wrap up: If you’re going with earbuds for space and multipurpose,
top sound quality goes to Munitio.
If hearing everything around you while doing an audio monitor, or perhaps jogging, AferShokz is for you.
Extreme gym rat or sports shooter? The YurBuds line should have something for you.

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