Weekly Giveaway – It Doesn’t Get Much Easier Than This – HP SimpleSave
How about this : you have all of your digital photos and video files stored somewhere on your computer. You’ve been meaning to back them up, as you start getting some error messages on your screen. Something is wrong with your computer and the repair techs say to wipe the hard drive clean and reinstall your programs again.
And that fateful questions gets asked: Did you back up all of your important files?
Gulp. You meant to. Really. You were about to buy that new external hard drive as the prices have been plummeting.
But you didn’t. That birthday party is gone. the graduation pics? into the ether. And that relative who won’t be coming back? yep, those images are hopefully burned in your memory.
End Scene.
Too dramatic? Too true is more like it.
Well HP has come up with a real easy solution called SimpleSave Photo.
Here is how it works: put the DVD into your computer, wait for the timer countdown, and like Pacman eating up the pills, the software picks up each and every photo/video file and puts it onto a DVD, safe and sound.
With the software embedded on each DVD, just put the disc in the computer and it starts itself. Sweet.
Now that’s the easy way, and EVERY file gets put onto the DVD’s including video files.
Make sure you have removed any images you don’t want saved, because this photo saving bot knows no discrimination. If you get my drift.
But you do have the option of options. In other words, choose where the software searches, and then preview what has been designated to be saved.
And then..Voila! just keep putting the DVD’s in til it’s done.
Each pack comes with 5 DVD which have 4.7 gb on each.
File types are .jpg,.mpeg,.bmp,.gif, .tif, and DNG. plus tons more.
So right now it’s all about the general use.
After having a hard drive just crash, the value of back-up is not lost on me. True, I do a triple back-up (paranoid) but the hard media like a DVD is what will never crash. Thankfully, some important family photographs had been burned to DVD to send to family members
HP has licensed this technology to some other companies like Memorex, so you’ll see this product out under that name also.
5 Discs to a pack for about $15, USD
OK I have to mention this part: It has been made for the 93% of the folks in the world with a PC only. If you only run MAC, you’ll have to wait.
How can you get a package of these DVD’s to back up your life image filled life for FREE?
What we’d like to do is hear you back-up stories and why you need these.
Of course we could do it the way we’ve been doing it, but sharing some experiences will be more productive. It something we talk about a bit, and if you’ve ever lost photos due to a crash , you know what we’re talking about and why this is an important product.
Maybe you already do a safe back up. Maybe you know someone who should.
With this kind of ease, there is no excuse not to.
We’ve got a few of these 5 DVD packs for you, so lets hear your thoughts. the 2 Best back-up stories takes a 5 Disc Pack and 2 readers will get them the old fashioned way.
And this is how you can get this life saver:
First of all you MUST be signed up for the NEWSLETTER. Then…. on Weds. @ 9:00 AM PST check your email in-box
1. Open the email from [email protected] and Hit Reply
3. Delete the main body of the email (saving server space).
4. Put the “special word” –included ONLY in the email , in the subject line.
5. Add a shipping address.
6. Make sure you followed all of the above directions.
7. Hit send.
The 31st and 32nd th person to reply will be sent this brilliant tool
With compliments.
And the 2 best stories will also be sent a 5Dsic pack of HP SimpleSave DVD’s
Perhaps sharing your experience will find kindred spirits, and then team solutions.
Just a thought.